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# == Class: pulp
# Install and configure pulp
# === Parameters:
# $oauth_key:: The oauth key; defaults to pulp
# $oauth_secret:: The oauth secret; defaults to secret
# $messaging_url:: URL for the AMQP server that Pulp will use to
# communicate with nodes.
# $messaging_ca_cert: The CA cert to authenicate against the AMQP server.
# $messaging_client_cert:: The client certificate signed by the CA cert
# above to authenticate.
# $consumers_ca_cert:: The CA cert that the consumer will use to
# authenticate with the AMQP server.
# $consumers_ca_key:: The CA key that the consumer will use to authenticate
# with the AMQP server.
# $consumers_crl:: Certificate revocation list for consumers which
# are no valid (have had their client certs
# revoked)
# $ssl_ca_cert:: The SSL cert that will be used by Pulp to
# verify the connection
# $default_login:: Initial login; defaults to admin
# $default_password:: Initial password; defaults to admin
# $repo_auth:: Boolean to determine whether repos managed by
# pulp will require authentication. Defaults
# to true
# $reset_data:: Boolean to reset the data in MongoDB. Defaults
# to false
# $reset_cache:: Boolean to flush the cache. Defaults to false
class pulp (
$oauth_key = $pulp::params::oauth_key,
$oauth_secret = $pulp::params::oauth_secret,

$messaging_url = $pulp::params::messaging_url,
$messaging_ca_cert = $pulp::params::messaging_ca_cert,
$messaging_client_cert = $pulp::params::messaging_client_cert,

$consumers_ca_cert = $consumers_ca_cert,
$consumers_ca_key = $consumers_ca_key,
$consumers_crl = undef,

$ssl_ca_cert = '/etc/pki/tls/certs/pulp_ssl_cert.crt',

$default_login = $pulp::params::default_login,
$default_password = $pulp::params::default_password,

$repo_auth = true,

$reset_data = false,
$reset_cache = false
) inherits pulp::params {

include apache

class { 'mongodb':
logpath => '/var/lib/mongodb/mongodb.log',
dbpath => '/var/lib/mongodb',
} ~>
class { 'qpid':
ssl => true,
} ~>
class { 'pulp::install':
require => [Class['mongodb'], Class['qpid']]
} ~>
class { 'pulp::config':
require => [Class['mongodb'], Class['qpid']]
} ~>