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# == Class: pulp::admin
# Install and configure Pulp admin
# === Parameters:
# $version:: pulp admin package version, it's passed to ensure parameter of package resource
# can be set to specific version number, 'latest', 'present' etc.
# $host:: The pulp server hostname
# $port:: The port providing the RESTful API
# $api_prefix:: The REST API prefix.
# $verify_ssl:: Set this to False to configure the client not to verify that the server's SSL cert is signed by
# a trusted authority
# $ca_path:: This is a path to a file of concatenated trusted CA certificates, or to a directory of trusted
# CA certificates (with openssl-style hashed symlinks, one certificate per file).
# $upload_chunk_size:: upload_chunk_size
# $role:: The client role.
# $extensions_dir:: The location of admin client extensions.
# $id_cert_dir:: The location of the directory where the Pulp user ID certificate is stored.
# $id_cert_filename:: The name of the file containing the PEM encoded client private key and X.509
# certificate. This file is downloaded and stored here during login.
# $upload_working_dir:: Directory where status files for in progress uploads will be stored
# $log_filename:: The location of the admin client log file.
# $call_log_filename:: If present, the raw REST responses will be logged to the given file.
# $poll_frequency_in_seconds:: Number of seconds between requests for any operation that repeatedly polls
# the server for data.
# $enable_color:: Set this to false to disable all color escape sequences
# $wrap_to_terminal:: If wrap_to_terminal is true, any text wrapping will use the current width of
# the terminal. If false, the value in wrap_width is used.
# $wrap_width:: The number of characters written before wrapping to the next line.
# $enable_puppet:: Install puppet extension. Defaults to false.
# $enable_deb:: Install deb extension. Defaults to false.
# $enable_docker:: Install docker extension. Defaults to false.
# $enable_nodes:: Install nodes extension. Defaults to false.
# $enable_python:: Install python extension. Defaults to false.
# $enable_ostree:: Install ostree extension. Defaults to false.
# $enable_rpm:: Install rpm extension. Defaults to true.
# $enable_iso:: Install ISO extension. Defaults to true.
# $puppet_upload_working_dir:: Directory where status files for in progress uploads will be stored
# $puppet_upload_chunk_size:: Maximum amount of data (in bytes) sent for an upload in a single request
# $login_method:: The method to ensure root can use pulp-admin. Choose none to disable this behaviour.
# $username:: The username to login with
# $password:: The password to login with. If left undefined then no login will be performed.
class pulp::admin (
String $version = $::pulp::admin::params::version,
String $host = $::pulp::admin::params::host,
Integer[1, 65535] $port = $::pulp::admin::params::port,
String $api_prefix = $::pulp::admin::params::api_prefix,
Boolean $verify_ssl = $::pulp::admin::params::verify_ssl,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $ca_path = $::pulp::admin::params::ca_path,
Integer[0] $upload_chunk_size = $::pulp::admin::params::upload_chunk_size,
String $role = $::pulp::admin::params::role,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $extensions_dir = $::pulp::admin::params::extensions_dir,
String $id_cert_dir = $::pulp::admin::params::id_cert_dir,
String $id_cert_filename = $::pulp::admin::params::id_cert_filename,
String $upload_working_dir = $::pulp::admin::params::upload_working_dir,
String $log_filename = $::pulp::admin::params::log_filename,
String $call_log_filename = $::pulp::admin::params::call_log_filename,
Integer[0] $poll_frequency_in_seconds = $::pulp::admin::params::poll_frequency_in_seconds,
Boolean $enable_color = $::pulp::admin::params::enable_color,
Boolean $wrap_to_terminal = $::pulp::admin::params::wrap_to_terminal,
Integer[0] $wrap_width = $::pulp::admin::params::wrap_width,
Boolean $enable_puppet = $::pulp::admin::params::enable_puppet,
Boolean $enable_deb = $::pulp::admin::params::enable_deb,
Boolean $enable_docker = $::pulp::admin::params::enable_docker,
Boolean $enable_nodes = $::pulp::admin::params::enable_nodes,
Boolean $enable_python = $::pulp::admin::params::enable_python,
Boolean $enable_ostree = $::pulp::admin::params::enable_ostree,
Boolean $enable_rpm = $::pulp::admin::params::enable_rpm,
Boolean $enable_iso = $::pulp::admin::params::enable_iso,
String $puppet_upload_working_dir = $::pulp::admin::params::puppet_upload_working_dir,
Integer[0] $puppet_upload_chunk_size = $::pulp::admin::params::puppet_upload_chunk_size,
Enum['none', 'file', 'login'] $login_method = $::pulp::admin::params::login_method,
String $username = $::pulp::admin::params::username,
Optional[String] $password = $::pulp::admin::params::username,
) inherits pulp::admin::params {
if $login_method != 'none' {
assert_type(String, $password)

contain ::pulp::admin::install
contain ::pulp::admin::config
contain ::pulp::admin::login

Class['pulp::admin::install'] -> Class['pulp::admin::config'] -> Class['pulp::admin::login']