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# Manage your next generation Pulp server
# @param user
# Pulp user
# @param group
# Pulp user group
# @param user_home
# Pulp user home directory
# @param apache_http_vhost
# When true, deploy a separate apache vhost for pulp3 listening on HTTP.
# When a name is given, fragments are attached to the specified vhost.
# When false, no Apache HTTP vhost is touched.
# @param apache_https_vhost
# When true, deploy a separate apache vhost for pulp3 listening on HTTPS.
# When a name is given, fragments are attached to the specified vhost.
# When false, no Apache HTTPS vhost is touched.
# @param apache_https_cert
# The certificate file to use in the HTTPS vhost. Only used when
# apache_https_vhost is true.
# @param apache_https_key
# The key file to use in the HTTPS vhost. Only used when apache_https_vhost
# is true.
# @param apache_https_ca
# The ca file to use in the HTTPS vhost. Only used when apache_https_vhost is
# true. The ca file should contain the certificates allowed to sign client
# certificates. This can be a different CA than the chain.
# @param apache_https_chain
# The chain file to use in the HTTPS vhost. Only used when apache_https_vhost
# is true. The chain file should contain the CA certificate an any
# intermediate certificates that signed the certificate.
# @param apache_vhost_priority
# The Apache vhost priority. When a name is passed to apache_http_vhost or
# apache_https_vhost, this will be used when attaching fragments to those
# vhosts. Note that this implies both vhosts need to have the same priority.
# @param api_socket_path
# Path where the Pulpcore API service is listening. This is a unix socket.
# @param content_socket_path
# Path where the Pulpcore Content service is listening. This is a unix socket.
# @param config_dir
# Pulp configuration directory. The file is created under this
# directory.
# @param cache_dir
# Pulp cache directory. This is used to configure WORKING_DIRECTORY and
# @param apache_docroot
# Root directory for the Apache vhost. Only created if the Apache vhost is
# managed by this module.
# @param media_root
# Directory for Pulp's uploaded media. This corresponds to the MEDIA_ROOT
# setting.
# @param static_root
# Root directory for collected static content. This corresponds to the
# STATIC_ROOT setting.
# @param static_url
# The "URL" that serves the collected static content. This corresponds to the
# STATIC_URL setting. In reality this can also be just the path and doesn't
# have to be a full URL.
# @param postgresql_db_name
# Name of Pulp PostgreSQL database
# @param postgresql_db_user
# Pulp PostgreSQL database user
# @param postgresql_db_password
# Password of Pulp PostgreSQL database
# @param postgresql_db_host
# Host to connect to Pulp PostgreSQL database
# @param postgresql_db_port
# Port to connect to Pulp PostgreSQL database
# @param postgresql_manage_db
# Whether or not to manage the PostgreSQL installation. If false, a database at the specified host and port is expected to exist and the user should have sufficient permissions.
# @param postgresql_db_ssl
# Whether to configure SSL connection for PostgresQL database. The configuration is only applied if the PostgresQL database is unmanaged.
# @param postgresql_db_ssl_require
# Specifies whether pulpcore is configured to require an encrypted connection to the unmanaged PostgreSQL database server.
# @param postgresql_db_ssl_cert
# Path to the SSL certificate to be used for the SSL connection to PostgreSQL.
# @param postgresql_db_ssl_key
# Path to the key to be used for the SSL connection to PostgreSQL.
# @param postgresql_db_ssl_root_ca
# Path to the root certificate authority to validate the certificate supplied by the PostgreSQL database server.
# @param django_secret_key
# SECRET_KEY for Django
# @param redis_db
# Redis DB number to use. By default, Redis supports a DB number of 0 through 15.
# @param servername
# Server name of the VirtualHost in the webserver
# @param remote_user_environ_name
# Django remote user environment variable
# @param allowed_import_path
# Allowed paths that pulp can use for content imports, or sync from using file:// protocol
# @param allowed_export_path
# Allowed paths that pulp can use for content exports
# @param allowed_content_checksums
# List of checksum types to allow for content operations
# @param worker_count
# Number of pulpcore workers. Defaults to 8 or the number of CPU cores, whichever is smaller. Enabling more than 8 workers, even with additional CPU cores
# available, likely results in performance degradation due to I/O blocking and is not recommended in most cases. Modifying this parameter should
# be done incrementally with benchmarking at each step to determine an optimal value for your deployment.
# @param service_enable
# Enable/disable Pulp services at boot.
# @param service_ensure
# Specify if Pulp services should be running or stopped.
# @param content_service_worker_count
# Number of pulpcore-content service workers for gunicorn to use.
# Modifying this parameter should be done incrementally with benchmarking at each step to determine an optimal value for your deployment.
# @param api_service_worker_count
# Number of pulpcore-api service workers for gunicorn to use.
# Modifying this parameter should be done incrementally with benchmarking at each step to determine an optimal value for your deployment.
# @param content_service_worker_timeout
# Timeout in seconds of the pulpcore-content gunicorn workers.
# @param api_service_worker_timeout
# Timeout in seconds of the pulpcore-api gunicorn workers.
# @example Default configuration
# include pulpcore
# @see
class pulpcore (
String $user = 'pulp',
String $group = 'pulp',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $user_home = '/var/lib/pulp',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $config_dir = '/etc/pulp',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $cache_dir = '/var/lib/pulp/tmp',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $media_root = '/var/lib/pulp/media',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $static_root = '/var/lib/pulp/assets',
Pattern['^/.+/$'] $static_url = '/assets/',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $apache_docroot = '/var/lib/pulp/pulpcore_static',
Variant[Boolean, String[1]] $apache_http_vhost = true,
Variant[Boolean, String[1]] $apache_https_vhost = true,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $apache_https_cert = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $apache_https_key = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $apache_https_ca = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $apache_https_chain = undef,
String[1] $apache_vhost_priority = '10',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $api_socket_path = '/run/pulpcore-api.sock',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $content_socket_path = '/run/pulpcore-content.sock',
String $postgresql_db_name = 'pulpcore',
String $postgresql_db_user = 'pulp',
String $postgresql_db_password = extlib::cache_data('pulpcore_cache_data', 'db_password', extlib::random_password(32)),
Stdlib::Host $postgresql_db_host = 'localhost',
Stdlib::Port $postgresql_db_port = 5432,
Boolean $postgresql_manage_db = true,
Boolean $postgresql_db_ssl = false,
Optional[Boolean] $postgresql_db_ssl_require = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $postgresql_db_ssl_cert = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $postgresql_db_ssl_key = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $postgresql_db_ssl_root_ca = undef,
String $django_secret_key = extlib::cache_data('pulpcore_cache_data', 'secret_key', extlib::random_password(50)),
Integer[0] $redis_db = 8,
Stdlib::Fqdn $servername = $facts['networking']['fqdn'],
Array[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $allowed_import_path = ['/var/lib/pulp/sync_imports'],
Array[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $allowed_export_path = [],
Pulpcore::ChecksumTypes $allowed_content_checksums = ['sha224', 'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512'],
String[1] $remote_user_environ_name = 'HTTP_REMOTE_USER',
Integer[0] $worker_count = min(8, $facts['processors']['count']),
Boolean $service_enable = true,
Boolean $service_ensure = true,
Integer[0] $content_service_worker_count = (2*min(8, $facts['processors']['count']) + 1),
Integer[0] $api_service_worker_count = 1,
Integer[0] $content_service_worker_timeout = 90,
Integer[0] $api_service_worker_timeout = 90,
) {
$settings_file = "${config_dir}/"

contain pulpcore::install
contain pulpcore::database
contain pulpcore::config
contain pulpcore::static
contain pulpcore::service
contain pulpcore::apache

Anchor <| title == 'pulpcore::repo' |> ~> Class['pulpcore::install']
Class['pulpcore::install'] ~> Class['pulpcore::config', 'pulpcore::database', 'pulpcore::service']
Class['pulpcore::config'] ~> Class['pulpcore::database', 'pulpcore::static', 'pulpcore::service']
Class['pulpcore::database', 'pulpcore::static'] -> Class['pulpcore::service'] -> Class['pulpcore::apache']

# lint:ignore:spaceship_operator_without_tag
~> Pulpcore::Plugin <| |>
~> Class['pulpcore::database', 'pulpcore::service']
# lint:endignore