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# Configure an Apache vhost
# @api private
class pulpcore::apache (
Boolean $manage_selinux_boolean = true,
Stdlib::Port $http_port = 80,
Stdlib::Port $https_port = 443,
Hash[String, Any] $http_vhost_options = {},
Hash[String, Any] $https_vhost_options = {},
Enum['none', 'optional', 'require', 'optional_no_ca'] $ssl_verify_client = 'optional',
Hash $content_proxy_params = { 'timeout' => '600', 'disablereuse' => 'on' },
Hash $api_proxy_params = { 'timeout' => '600' },
) {
include pulpcore

$vhost_priority = $pulpcore::apache_vhost_priority
$api_path = '/pulp/api/v3'
$api_base_url = "unix://${pulpcore::api_socket_path}|http://pulpcore-api"
$api_url = "${api_base_url}${api_path}"
$content_path = '/pulp/content'
$content_base_url = "unix://${pulpcore::content_socket_path}|http://pulpcore-content"
$content_url = "${content_base_url}${content_path}"

$docroot_directory = {
'provider' => 'Directory',
'path' => $pulpcore::apache_docroot,
'options' => ['-Indexes', '-FollowSymLinks'],
'allow_override' => ['None'],
$content_directory = {
'path' => $content_path,
'provider' => 'location',
'proxy_pass' => [
'url' => $content_url,
'params' => $content_proxy_params,
'request_headers' => [
'unset X-CLIENT-CERT',

# Pulp has a default for remote header. Here it's ensured that the end user
# can't send that header to spoof users.
$remote_user_environ_header = $pulpcore::remote_user_environ_name.regsubst(/^HTTP_/, '')

$api_default_request_headers = [
"unset ${remote_user_environ_header}",
"set ${remote_user_environ_header} \"%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN}s\" env=SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN",

$api_additional_request_headers = $ |String $cn, String $pulp_user| {
"set ${remote_user_environ_header} \"${pulp_user}\" \"expr=%{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN_CN} == '${cn}'\""

$api_directory = {
'path' => $api_path,
'provider' => 'location',
'proxy_pass' => [
'url' => $api_url,
'params' => $api_proxy_params,
'request_headers' => $api_default_request_headers + $api_additional_request_headers,

# Static content is served by the whitenoise application. SELinux prevents
# Apache from serving it directly
$proxy_pass_static = {
'path' => $pulpcore::static_url,
'url' => "${api_base_url}${pulpcore::static_url}",

case $pulpcore::apache_http_vhost {
true: {
$http_vhost_name = 'pulpcore'
$http_fragment = undef

include apache
include apache::mod::headers
apache::vhost { $http_vhost_name:
servername => $pulpcore::servername,
serveraliases => $pulpcore::serveraliases,
port => $http_port,
priority => $vhost_priority,
docroot => $pulpcore::apache_docroot,
manage_docroot => false,
directories => [$docroot_directory, $content_directory],
* => $http_vhost_options,
false: {
$http_vhost_name = undef
$http_fragment = undef
default: {
$http_vhost_name = $pulpcore::apache_http_vhost
$http_fragment = epp('pulpcore/apache-fragment.epp', {
'directories' => [$content_directory],

case $pulpcore::apache_https_vhost {
true: {
$https_vhost_name = 'pulpcore-https'
$https_fragment = undef

include apache
include apache::mod::headers
apache::vhost { $https_vhost_name:
servername => $pulpcore::servername,
serveraliases => $pulpcore::serveraliases,
port => $https_port,
ssl => true,
priority => $vhost_priority,
docroot => $pulpcore::apache_docroot,
manage_docroot => false,
directories => [$docroot_directory, $content_directory, $api_directory],
proxy_pass => [$proxy_pass_static],
ssl_cert => $pulpcore::apache_https_cert,
ssl_key => $pulpcore::apache_https_key,
ssl_chain => $pulpcore::apache_https_chain,
ssl_ca => $pulpcore::apache_https_ca,
ssl_verify_client => $ssl_verify_client,
ssl_options => ['+StdEnvVars', '+ExportCertData'],
* => $https_vhost_options,
false: {
$https_vhost_name = undef
$https_fragment = undef
default: {
$https_vhost_name = $pulpcore::apache_https_vhost
$https_fragment = epp('pulpcore/apache-fragment.epp', {
'directories' => [$content_directory, $api_directory],
'proxy_pass' => [$proxy_pass_static],

if $pulpcore::apache_http_vhost == true or $pulpcore::apache_https_vhost == true {
file { $pulpcore::apache_docroot:
ensure => directory,
owner => $pulpcore::user,
group => $pulpcore::group,
mode => '0755',

if $http_fragment or $https_fragment {
pulpcore::apache::fragment { 'pulpcore':
http_content => $http_fragment,
https_content => $https_fragment,

if $manage_selinux_boolean and ($pulpcore::apache_http_vhost or $pulpcore::apache_https_vhost) {
# Doesn't use selinux::boolean since that doesn't use ensure_resource which
# then conflict with the foreman module which doesn't use the selinux module.
if $facts['os']['selinux']['enabled'] {
ensure_resource('selboolean', 'httpd_can_network_connect', {
value => 'on',
persistent => true,