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# == Class: puppet::server
# Sets up a puppet master.
# == puppet::server parameters
# $autosign:: If set to a boolean, autosign is enabled or disabled
# for all incoming requests. Otherwise this has to be
# set to the full file path of an autosign.conf file or
# an autosign script. If this is set to a script, make
# sure that script considers the content of autosign.conf
# as otherwise Foreman functionality might be broken.
# $autosign_entries:: A list of certnames or domain name globs
# whose certificate requests will automatically be signed.
# Defaults to an empty Array.
# $autosign_mode:: mode of the autosign file/script
# $autosign_content:: If set, write the autosign file content
# using the value of this parameter.
# Cannot be used at the same time as autosign_entries
# For example, could be a string, or
# file('another_module/') or
# template('another_module/')
# $autosign_source:: If set, use this as the source for the autosign file,
# instead of autosign_content.
# $hiera_config:: The hiera configuration file.
# $manage_user:: Whether to manage the puppet user resource
# $user:: Name of the puppetmaster user.
# $group:: Name of the puppetmaster group.
# $dir:: Puppet configuration directory
# $ip:: Bind ip address of the puppetmaster
# $port:: Puppet master port
# $ca:: Provide puppet CA
# $ca_crl_filepath:: Path to ca_crl file
# $ca_crl_sync:: Sync the puppet ca crl to compile masters. Requires compile masters to
# be agents of the CA master (MOM) defaults to false
# $crl_enable:: Enable CRL processing, defaults to true when $ca is true else defaults
# to false
# $http:: Should the puppet master listen on HTTP as well as HTTPS.
# Useful for load balancer or reverse proxy scenarios.
# $http_port:: Puppet master HTTP port; defaults to 8139.
# $reports:: List of report types to include on the puppetmaster
# $external_nodes:: External nodes classifier executable
# $git_repo:: Use git repository as a source of modules
# $environments_owner:: The owner of the environments directory
# $environments_group:: The group owning the environments directory
# $environments_mode:: Environments directory mode.
# $envs_dir:: Directory that holds puppet environments
# $envs_target:: Indicates that $envs_dir should be
# a symbolic link to this target
# $common_modules_path:: Common modules paths
# $git_repo_path:: Git repository path
# $git_repo_mode:: Git repository mode
# $git_repo_group:: Git repository group
# $git_repo_user:: Git repository user
# $git_branch_map:: Git branch to puppet env mapping for the
# default post receive hook
# $post_hook_content:: Which template to use for git post hook
# $post_hook_name:: Name of a git hook
# $storeconfigs_backend:: Do you use storeconfigs? (note: not required)
# false if you don't, "active_record" for 2.X
# style db, "puppetdb" for puppetdb
# $ssl_dir:: SSL directory
# $package:: Custom package name for puppet master
# $version:: Custom package version for puppet master
# $certname:: The name to use when handling certificates.
# $strict_variables:: if set to true, it will throw parse errors
# when accessing undeclared variables.
# $additional_settings:: A hash of additional settings.
# Example: {trusted_node_data => true, ordering => 'manifest'}
# $puppetdb_host:: PuppetDB host
# $puppetdb_port:: PuppetDB port
# $puppetdb_swf:: PuppetDB soft_write_failure
# $parser:: Sets the parser to use. Valid options are 'current' or 'future'.
# Defaults to 'current'.
# === Advanced server parameters:
# $codedir:: Override the puppet code directory.
# $config_version:: How to determine the configuration version. When
# using git_repo, by default a git describe
# approach will be installed.
# $server_foreman_facts:: Should foreman receive facts from puppet
# $foreman:: Should foreman integration be installed
# $foreman_url:: Foreman URL
# $foreman_ssl_ca:: SSL CA of the Foreman server
# $foreman_ssl_cert:: Client certificate for authenticating against Foreman server
# $foreman_ssl_key:: Key for authenticating against Foreman server
# $puppet_basedir:: Where is the puppet code base located
# $enc_api:: What version of enc script to deploy.
# $report_api:: What version of report processor to deploy.
# $compile_mode:: Used to control JRuby's "CompileMode", which may improve performance.
# $request_timeout:: Timeout in node.rb script for fetching
# catalog from Foreman (in seconds).
# $environment_timeout:: Timeout for cached compiled catalogs (10s, 5m, ...)
# $jvm_java_bin:: Set the default java to use.
# $jvm_config:: Specify the puppetserver jvm configuration file.
# $jvm_min_heap_size:: Specify the minimum jvm heap space.
# $jvm_max_heap_size:: Specify the maximum jvm heap space.
# $jvm_extra_args:: Additional java options to pass through.
# This can be used for Java versions prior to
# Java 8 to specify the max perm space to use:
# For example: '-XX:MaxPermSize=128m'.
# $jvm_cli_args:: Java options to use when using puppetserver
# subcommands (eg puppetserver gem).
# $jruby_gem_home:: Where jruby gems are located for puppetserver
# $allow_any_crl_auth:: Allow any authentication for the CRL. This
# is needed on the puppet CA to accept clients
# from a the puppet CA proxy.
# $auth_allowed:: An array of authenticated nodes allowed to
# access all catalog and node endpoints.
# default to ['$1']
# $default_manifest:: Toggle if default_manifest setting should
# be added to the [main] section
# $default_manifest_path:: A string setting the path to the default_manifest
# $default_manifest_content:: A string to set the content of the default_manifest
# If set to '' it will not manage the file
# $ssl_dir_manage:: Toggle if ssl_dir should be added to the [master]
# configuration section. This is necessary to
# disable in case CA is delegated to a separate instance
# $ssl_key_manage:: Toggle if "private_keys/${::puppet::server::certname}.pem"
# should be created with default user and group. This is used in
# the default Forman setup to reuse the key for TLS communication.
# $puppetserver_vardir:: The path of the puppetserver var dir
# $puppetserver_rundir:: The path of the puppetserver run dir
# $puppetserver_logdir:: The path of the puppetserver log dir
# $puppetserver_dir:: The path of the puppetserver config dir
# $puppetserver_version:: The version of puppetserver installed (or being installed)
# Unfortunately, different versions of puppetserver need configuring differently.
# By default we attempt to derive the version from the puppet version itself but
# can be overriden if you're installing an older version.
# $max_active_instances:: Max number of active jruby instances. Defaults to
# processor count
# $max_requests_per_instance:: Max number of requests per jruby instance. Defaults to 0 (disabled)
# $max_queued_requests:: The maximum number of requests that may be queued waiting to borrow a
# JRuby from the pool. (Puppetserver 5.x only)
# Defaults to 0 (disabled) for Puppetserver >= 5.0
# $max_retry_delay:: Sets the upper limit for the random sleep set as a Retry-After header on
# 503 responses returned when max-queued-requests is enabled. (Puppetserver 5.x only)
# Defaults to 1800 for Puppetserver >= 5.0
# $idle_timeout:: How long the server will wait for a response on an existing connection
# $connect_timeout:: How long the server will wait for a response to a connection attempt
# $web_idle_timeout:: Time in ms that Jetty allows a socket to be idle, after processing has completed.
# Defaults to the Jetty default of 30s
# $ssl_protocols:: Array of SSL protocols to use.
# Defaults to [ 'TLSv1.2' ]
# $ssl_chain_filepath:: Path to certificate chain for puppetserver
# Defaults to "${ssl_dir}/ca/ca_crt.pem"
# $cipher_suites:: List of SSL ciphers to use in negotiation
# Defaults to [ 'TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256', 'TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA',
# $ruby_load_paths:: List of ruby paths
# Defaults based on $::puppetversion
# $ca_client_whitelist:: The whitelist of client certificates that
# can query the certificate-status endpoint
# Defaults to [ '', '::1', $::ipaddress ]

# $custom_trusted_oid_mapping:: A hash of custom trusted oid mappings.
# Example: { => { shortname => 'myshortname' } }
# $admin_api_whitelist:: The whitelist of clients that
# can query the puppet-admin-api endpoint
# Defaults to [ '', '::1', $::ipaddress ]
# $ca_auth_required:: Whether client certificates are needed to access the puppet-admin api
# Defaults to true
# $use_legacy_auth_conf:: Should the puppetserver use the legacy puppet auth.conf?
# Defaults to false (the puppetserver will use its own conf.d/auth.conf)
# $check_for_updates:: Should the puppetserver phone home to check for available updates?
# $environment_class_cache_enabled:: Enable environment class cache in conjunction with the use of the
# environment_classes API.
# $allow_header_cert_info:: Allow client authentication over HTTP Headers
# Defaults to false, is also activated by the $http setting
# $puppetserver_jruby9k:: For Puppetserver 5, use JRuby 9k? Defaults to false
# $puppetserver_metrics:: Enable metrics (Puppetserver 5.x only) and JRuby profiling?
# Defaults to true on Puppetserver 5.x and to false on Puppetserver 2.x
# $metrics_jmx_enable:: Enable or disable JMX metrics reporter. Defaults to true
# $metrics_graphite_enable:: Enable or disable Graphite metrics reporter. Defaults to false
# $metrics_graphite_host:: Graphite server host. Defaults to ""
# $metrics_graphite_port:: Graphite server port. Defaults to 2003
# $metrics_server_id:: A server id that will be used as part of the namespace for metrics produced
# Defaults to $fqdn
# $metrics_graphite_interval:: How often to send metrics to graphite (in seconds)
# Defaults to 5
# $metrics_allowed:: Specify metrics to allow in addition to those in the default list
# Defaults to undef
# $puppetserver_experimental:: For Puppetserver 5, enable the /puppet/experimental route? Defaults to true
# $puppetserver_trusted_agents:: Certificate names of agents that are allowed to fetch *all* catalogs. Defaults to empty array
# $ca_allow_sans:: Allow CA to sign certificate requests that have Subject Alternative Names
# Defaults to false
# $ca_allow_auth_extensions:: Allow CA to sign certificate requests that have authorization extensions
# Defaults to false
# $ca_enable_infra_crl:: Enable the separate CRL for Puppet infrastructure nodes
# Defaults to false
# $acceptor_threads:: This sets the number of threads that the webserver will dedicate to accepting
# socket connections for unencrypted HTTP traffic. If not provided, the webserver
# defaults to the number of virtual cores on the host divided by 8, with a minimum
# of 1 and maximum of 4.
# $selector_threads:: This sets the number of selectors that the webserver will dedicate to processing
# events on connected sockets for unencrypted HTTPS traffic. If not provided,
# the webserver defaults to the minimum of: virtual cores on the host divided by 2
# or max-threads divided by 16, with a minimum of 1.
# $max_threads:: This sets the maximum number of threads assigned to responding to HTTP and/or
# HTTPS requests for a single webserver, effectively changing how many
# concurrent requests can be made at one time. If not provided, the
# webserver defaults to 200.
# $ssl_acceptor_threads:: This sets the number of threads that the webserver will dedicate to accepting
# socket connections for encrypted HTTPS traffic. If not provided, defaults to
# the number of virtual cores on the host divided by 8, with a minimum of 1 and maximum of 4.
# $ssl_selector_threads:: This sets the number of selectors that the webserver will dedicate to processing
# events on connected sockets for encrypted HTTPS traffic. Defaults to the number of
# virtual cores on the host divided by 2, with a minimum of 1 and maximum of 4.
# The number of selector threads actually used by Jetty is twice the number of selectors
# requested. For example, if a value of 3 is specified for the ssl-selector-threads setting,
# Jetty will actually use 6 selector threads.
class puppet::server(
Variant[Boolean, Stdlib::Absolutepath] $autosign = $::puppet::autosign,
Array[String] $autosign_entries = $::puppet::autosign_entries,
Pattern[/^[0-9]{3,4}$/] $autosign_mode = $::puppet::autosign_mode,
Optional[String] $autosign_content = $::puppet::autosign_content,
Optional[String] $autosign_source = $::puppet::autosign_source,
String $hiera_config = $::puppet::hiera_config,
Array[String] $admin_api_whitelist = $::puppet::server_admin_api_whitelist,
Boolean $manage_user = $::puppet::server_manage_user,
String $user = $::puppet::server_user,
String $group = $::puppet::server_group,
String $dir = $::puppet::server_dir,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $codedir = $::puppet::codedir,
Integer $port = $::puppet::server_port,
String $ip = $::puppet::server_ip,
Boolean $ca = $::puppet::server_ca,
Optional[String] $ca_crl_filepath = $::puppet::ca_crl_filepath,
Boolean $ca_crl_sync = $::puppet::server_ca_crl_sync,
Optional[Boolean] $crl_enable = $::puppet::server_crl_enable,
Boolean $ca_auth_required = $::puppet::server_ca_auth_required,
Array[String] $ca_client_whitelist = $::puppet::server_ca_client_whitelist,
Optional[Puppet::Custom_trusted_oid_mapping] $custom_trusted_oid_mapping = $::puppet::server_custom_trusted_oid_mapping,
Boolean $http = $::puppet::server_http,
Integer $http_port = $::puppet::server_http_port,
String $reports = $::puppet::server_reports,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $puppetserver_vardir = $::puppet::server_puppetserver_vardir,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $puppetserver_rundir = $::puppet::server_puppetserver_rundir,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $puppetserver_logdir = $::puppet::server_puppetserver_logdir,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $puppetserver_dir = $::puppet::server_puppetserver_dir,
Optional[Pattern[/^[\d]\.[\d]+\.[\d]+$/]] $puppetserver_version = $::puppet::server_puppetserver_version,
Variant[Undef, String[0], Stdlib::Absolutepath] $external_nodes = $::puppet::server_external_nodes,
Array[String] $cipher_suites = $::puppet::server_cipher_suites,
Optional[String] $config_version = $::puppet::server_config_version,
Integer[0] $connect_timeout = $::puppet::server_connect_timeout,
Integer[0] $web_idle_timeout = $puppet::server_web_idle_timeout,
Boolean $git_repo = $::puppet::server_git_repo,
Boolean $default_manifest = $::puppet::server_default_manifest,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $default_manifest_path = $::puppet::server_default_manifest_path,
String $default_manifest_content = $::puppet::server_default_manifest_content,
String $environments_owner = $::puppet::server_environments_owner,
Optional[String] $environments_group = $::puppet::server_environments_group,
Pattern[/^[0-9]{3,4}$/] $environments_mode = $::puppet::server_environments_mode,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $envs_dir = $::puppet::server_envs_dir,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $envs_target = $::puppet::server_envs_target,
Variant[Undef, String[0], Array[Stdlib::Absolutepath]] $common_modules_path = $::puppet::server_common_modules_path,
Pattern[/^[0-9]{3,4}$/] $git_repo_mode = $::puppet::server_git_repo_mode,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $git_repo_path = $::puppet::server_git_repo_path,
String $git_repo_group = $::puppet::server_git_repo_group,
String $git_repo_user = $::puppet::server_git_repo_user,
Hash[String, String] $git_branch_map = $::puppet::server_git_branch_map,
Integer[0] $idle_timeout = $::puppet::server_idle_timeout,
String $post_hook_content = $::puppet::server_post_hook_content,
String $post_hook_name = $::puppet::server_post_hook_name,
Variant[Undef, Boolean, Enum['active_record', 'puppetdb']] $storeconfigs_backend = $::puppet::server_storeconfigs_backend,
Array[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ruby_load_paths = $::puppet::server_ruby_load_paths,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $ssl_dir = $::puppet::server_ssl_dir,
Boolean $ssl_dir_manage = $::puppet::server_ssl_dir_manage,
Boolean $ssl_key_manage = $::puppet::server_ssl_key_manage,
Array[String] $ssl_protocols = $::puppet::server_ssl_protocols,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ssl_chain_filepath = $::puppet::server_ssl_chain_filepath,
Optional[Variant[String, Array[String]]] $package = $::puppet::server_package,
Optional[String] $version = $::puppet::server_version,
String $certname = $::puppet::server_certname,
Enum['v2'] $enc_api = $::puppet::server_enc_api,
Enum['v2'] $report_api = $::puppet::server_report_api,
Integer[0] $request_timeout = $::puppet::server_request_timeout,
Boolean $strict_variables = $::puppet::server_strict_variables,
Hash[String, Data] $additional_settings = $::puppet::server_additional_settings,
Boolean $foreman = $::puppet::server_foreman,
Stdlib::HTTPUrl $foreman_url = $::puppet::server_foreman_url,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $foreman_ssl_ca = $::puppet::server_foreman_ssl_ca,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $foreman_ssl_cert = $::puppet::server_foreman_ssl_cert,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $foreman_ssl_key = $::puppet::server_foreman_ssl_key,
Boolean $server_foreman_facts = $::puppet::server_foreman_facts,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $puppet_basedir = $::puppet::server_puppet_basedir,
Optional[String] $puppetdb_host = $::puppet::server_puppetdb_host,
Integer[0, 65535] $puppetdb_port = $::puppet::server_puppetdb_port,
Boolean $puppetdb_swf = $::puppet::server_puppetdb_swf,
Enum['current', 'future'] $parser = $::puppet::server_parser,
Variant[Undef, Enum['unlimited'], Pattern[/^\d+[smhdy]?$/]] $environment_timeout = $::puppet::server_environment_timeout,
String $jvm_java_bin = $::puppet::server_jvm_java_bin,
String $jvm_config = $::puppet::server_jvm_config,
Pattern[/^[0-9]+[kKmMgG]$/] $jvm_min_heap_size = $::puppet::server_jvm_min_heap_size,
Pattern[/^[0-9]+[kKmMgG]$/] $jvm_max_heap_size = $::puppet::server_jvm_max_heap_size,
Optional[Variant[String,Array[String]]] $jvm_extra_args = $::puppet::server_jvm_extra_args,
Optional[String] $jvm_cli_args = $::puppet::server_jvm_cli_args,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $jruby_gem_home = $::puppet::server_jruby_gem_home,
Integer[1] $max_active_instances = $::puppet::server_max_active_instances,
Integer[0] $max_requests_per_instance = $::puppet::server_max_requests_per_instance,
Integer[0] $max_queued_requests = $puppet::server_max_queued_requests,
Integer[0] $max_retry_delay = $puppet::server_max_retry_delay,
Boolean $use_legacy_auth_conf = $::puppet::server_use_legacy_auth_conf,
Boolean $check_for_updates = $::puppet::server_check_for_updates,
Boolean $environment_class_cache_enabled = $::puppet::server_environment_class_cache_enabled,
Boolean $allow_header_cert_info = $::puppet::server_allow_header_cert_info,
Boolean $puppetserver_jruby9k = $::puppet::server_puppetserver_jruby9k,
Optional[Boolean] $puppetserver_metrics = $::puppet::server_puppetserver_metrics,
Boolean $metrics_jmx_enable = $::puppet::server_metrics_jmx_enable,
Boolean $metrics_graphite_enable = $::puppet::server_metrics_graphite_enable,
String $metrics_graphite_host = $::puppet::server_metrics_graphite_host,
Integer $metrics_graphite_port = $::puppet::server_metrics_graphite_port,
String $metrics_server_id = $::puppet::server_metrics_server_id,
Integer $metrics_graphite_interval = $::puppet::server_metrics_graphite_interval,
Variant[Undef, Array] $metrics_allowed = $::puppet::server_metrics_allowed,
Boolean $puppetserver_experimental = $::puppet::server_puppetserver_experimental,
Array[String] $puppetserver_trusted_agents = $::puppet::server_puppetserver_trusted_agents,
Optional[Enum['off', 'jit', 'force']] $compile_mode = $::puppet::server_compile_mode,
Optional[Integer[1]] $selector_threads = $::puppet::server_selector_threads,
Optional[Integer[1]] $acceptor_threads = $::puppet::server_acceptor_threads,
Optional[Integer[1]] $ssl_selector_threads = $::puppet::server_ssl_selector_threads,
Optional[Integer[1]] $ssl_acceptor_threads = $::puppet::server_ssl_acceptor_threads,
Optional[Integer[1]] $max_threads = $::puppet::server_max_threads,
Boolean $ca_allow_sans = $::puppet::server_ca_allow_sans,
Boolean $ca_allow_auth_extensions = $::puppet::server_ca_allow_auth_extensions,
Boolean $ca_enable_infra_crl = $::puppet::server_ca_enable_infra_crl,
Optional[Integer[1]] $max_open_files = $::puppet::server_max_open_files,
) {
if $ca {
$ssl_ca_cert = "${ssl_dir}/ca/ca_crt.pem"
$ssl_ca_crl = "${ssl_dir}/ca/ca_crl.pem"
$ssl_chain = $ssl_chain_filepath
$crl_enable_real = pick($crl_enable, true)
} else {
$ssl_ca_cert = "${ssl_dir}/certs/ca.pem"
$ssl_ca_crl = pick($ca_crl_filepath, "${ssl_dir}/crl.pem")
$ssl_chain = false
$crl_enable_real = pick($crl_enable, false)

$ssl_cert = "${ssl_dir}/certs/${certname}.pem"
$ssl_cert_key = "${ssl_dir}/private_keys/${certname}.pem"

if $config_version == undef {
if $git_repo {
$config_version_cmd = "git --git-dir ${envs_dir}/\$environment/.git describe --all --long"
} else {
$config_version_cmd = undef
} else {
$config_version_cmd = $config_version

# For Puppetserver, certain configuration parameters are version specific. We
# assume a particular version here.
if $puppetserver_version {
$real_puppetserver_version = $puppetserver_version
} elsif versioncmp($::puppetversion, '6.0.0') >= 0 {
$real_puppetserver_version = '6.0.0'
} else {
$real_puppetserver_version = '5.3.6'

# Prefer the user setting,otherwise disable for Puppetserver 2.x, enabled for 5.x
$real_puppetserver_metrics = pick($puppetserver_metrics, true)

if $jvm_extra_args {
$real_jvm_extra_args = $jvm_extra_args
} else {
$real_jvm_extra_args = '-Djruby.logger.class=com.puppetlabs.jruby_utils.jruby.Slf4jLogger'

contain puppet::server::install
contain puppet::server::config
contain puppet::server::service

Class['puppet::server::install'] ~> Class['puppet::server::config']
Class['puppet::config', 'puppet::server::config'] ~> Class['puppet::server::service']