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# == Class: puppet::server
# Sets up a puppet master.
# === Parameters:
# $passenger:: If set to true, we will configure apache with
# passenger. If set to false, we will enable the
# default puppetmaster service unless
# service_fallback is set to false. See 'Advanced
# parameters for more information.
# Defaults to 'true;.
# TODO: Add more documentation
# === Advanced parameters:
# $httpd_service:: Apache/httpd service name to notify on configuration
# changes. Defaults to 'httpd' based on the default
# apache module included with foreman-installer.
# $service_fallback:: If passenger is not used, do we want to fallback
# to using the puppetmaster service? Set to false
# if you disabled passenger and you do NOT want to
# use the puppetmaster service. Defaults to true.
# $passenger_max_pool:: The PassengerMaxPoolSize parameter. If your host is
# low on memory, it may be a good thing to lower
# this. Defaults to 12.
# $config_version:: How to determine the configuration version. When
# using git_repo, by default a git describe approach
# will be installed.
class puppet::server (
$user = $puppet::params::user,
$group = $puppet::params::group,
$dir = $puppet::params::dir,
$vardir = $puppet::params::vardir,
$ca = $puppet::params::ca,
$ca_server = $puppet::params::ca_server,
$passenger = $puppet::params::passenger,
$service_fallback = $puppet::params::service_fallback,
$passenger_max_pool = $puppet::params::passenger_max_pool,
$httpd_service = $puppet::params::httpd_service,
$port = $puppet::params::port,
$external_nodes = $puppet::params::external_nodes,
$config_version = $puppet::params::config_version,
$environments = $puppet::params::environments,
$manifest_path = $puppet::params::manifest_path,
$common_modules_path = $puppet::params::common_modules_path,
$reports = $puppet::params::reports,
$foreman_url = $foreman::params::foreman_url,
$facts = $foreman::params::facts,
$storeconfigs_backend = $puppet::params::storeconfigs_backend,
$puppet_home = $foreman::params::puppet_home,
$puppet_basedir = $foreman::params::puppet_basedir,
$git_repo = $puppet::params::git_repo,
$git_repo_path = $puppet::params::git_repo_path,
$envs_dir = $puppet::params::envs_dir,
$app_root = $puppet::params::app_root,
$ssl_dir = $puppet::params::ssl_dir,
$master_package = $puppet::params::master_package,
$post_hook_content = $puppet::params::post_hook_content,
$post_hook_name = $puppet::params::post_hook_name,
$agent_template = $puppet::params::agent_template,
$master_template = $puppet::params::master_template,
$version = $puppet::params::version
) inherits puppet::params {

if $passenger or ($service_fallback == false) {
$use_service = false
} else {
$use_service = true

if $ca {
$ssl_ca_cert = "${ssl_dir}/ca/ca_crt.pem"
$ssl_ca_crl = "${ssl_dir}/ca/ca_crl.pem"
$ssl_chain = "${ssl_dir}/ca/ca_crt.pem"
} else {
$ssl_ca_cert = "${ssl_dir}/certs/ca.pem"

$ssl_cert = "${ssl_dir}/certs/${::fqdn}.pem"
$ssl_cert_key = "${ssl_dir}/private_keys/${::fqdn}.pem"

if $config_version == undef {
if $git_repo {
$config_version_cmd = "git --git-dir ${envs_dir}/\$environment/.git describe --all --long"
} else {
$config_version_cmd = ''
} else {
$config_version_cmd = $config_version

class { 'puppet::server::install': }~>
class { 'puppet::server::config': }~>
class { 'puppet::server::service': }
