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# == Class: puppet
# This class installs and configures the puppet agent.
# === Parameters:
# $version:: Specify a specific version of a package to
# install. The version should be the exact
# match for your distro.
# You can also use certain values like 'latest'.
# type:string
# $user:: Override the name of the puppet user.
# type:string
# $group:: Override the name of the puppet group.
# type:string
# $dir:: Override the puppet directory.
# type:string
# $codedir:: Override the puppet code directory.
# type:string
# $vardir:: Override the puppet var directory.
# type:string
# $logdir:: Override the log directory.
# type:string
# $rundir:: Override the PID directory.
# type:string
# $ssldir:: Override where SSL certificates are kept.
# type:string
# $sharedir:: Override the system data directory.
# type:string
# $manage_packages:: Should this module install packages or not.
# Can also install only server packages with value
# of 'server' or only agent packages with 'agent'.
# Defaults to true
# type:string
# $package_provider:: The provider used to install the agent.
# Defaults to chocolatey on Windows
# Defaults to undef elsewhere
# type:string
# $package_source:: The location of the file to be used by the
# agent's package resource.
# Defaults to undef. If 'windows' or 'msi' are
# used as the provider then this setting is
# required.
# type:string
# $port:: Override the port of the master we connect to.
# type:integer
# $listen:: Should the puppet agent listen for connections.
# type:boolean
# $listen_to:: An array of servers allowed to initiate a puppet run.
# If $listen = true one of three things will happen:
# 1) if $listen_to is not empty then this array
# will be used.
# 2) if $listen_to is empty and $puppetmaster is
# defined then only $puppetmaster will be
# allowed.
# 3) if $puppetmaster is not defined or empty,
# $fqdn will be used.
# type:array
# $pluginsync:: Enable pluginsync.
# type:boolean
# $splay:: Switch to enable a random amount of time
# to sleep before each run.
# type:boolean
# $splaylimit:: The maximum time to delay before runs.
# Defaults to being the same as the run interval.
# This setting can be a time interval in seconds
# (30 or 30s), minutes (30m), hours (6h), days (2d),
# or years (5y).
# type:string
# $runinterval:: Set up the interval (in seconds) to run
# the puppet agent.
# type:integer
# $autosign:: If set to a boolean, autosign is enabled or disabled
# for all incoming requests. Otherwise this has to be
# set to the full file path of an autosign.conf file or
# an autosign script. If this is set to a script, make
# sure that script considers the content of autosign.conf
# as otherwise Foreman functionality might be broken.
# $autosign_mode:: mode of the autosign file/script
# $usecacheonfailure:: Switch to enable use of cached catalog on
# failure of run.
# type: boolean
# $runmode:: Select the mode to setup the puppet agent.
# Can be either 'cron', 'service',
# 'systemd.timer', or 'none'.
# type:string
# $unavailable_runmodes:: Runmodes that are not available for the
# current system. This module will not try
# to disable these modes. Default is []
# on Linux, ['cron', 'systemd.timer'] on
# Windows and ['systemd.timer'] on other
# systems.
# type: array
# $cron_cmd:: Specify command to launch when runmode is
# set 'cron'.
# type:string
# $systemd_cmd:: Specify command to launch when runmode is
# set 'systemd.timer'.
# type:string
# $show_diff:: Show and report changed files with diff output
# type:boolean
# $module_repository:: Use a different puppet module repository
# type:string
# $configtimeout:: How long the client should wait for the
# configuration to be retrieved before
# considering it a failure.
# type:integer
# $ca_server:: Use a different ca server. Should be either
# a string with the location of the ca_server
# or 'false'.
# type:string
# $ca_port:: Puppet CA port
# type:integer
# $dns_alt_names:: Use additional DNS names when generating a
# certificate. Defaults to an empty Array.
# type:array
# $classfile:: The file in which puppet agent stores a list
# of the classes associated with the retrieved
# configuration.
# type:string
# $hiera_config:: The hiera configuration file.
# type:string
# $syslogfacility:: Facility name to use when logging to syslog
# type:string
# $auth_template:: Use a custom template for the auth
# configuration.
# type:string
# $main_template:: Use a custom template for the main puppet
# configuration.
# type:string
# $use_srv_records:: Whether DNS SRV records will be used to resolve
# the Puppet master
# type:boolean
# $srv_domain:: Search domain for SRV records
# type:string
# $pluginsource:: URL to retrieve Puppet plugins from during pluginsync
# type:string
# $pluginfactsource:: URL to retrieve Puppet facts from during pluginsync
# type:string
# $additional_settings:: A hash of additional main settings.
# type:hash
# == puppet::agent parameters
# $agent:: Should a puppet agent be installed
# type:boolean
# $agent_noop:: Run the agent in noop mode.
# type:boolean
# $agent_template:: Use a custom template for the agent puppet
# configuration.
# type:string
# $client_package:: Install a custom package to provide
# the puppet client
# type:string
# $puppetmaster:: Hostname of your puppetmaster (server
# directive in puppet.conf)
# type:string
# $prerun_command:: A command which gets excuted before each Puppet run
# type:string
# $postrun_command:: A command which gets excuted after each Puppet run
# type:string
# $systemd_unit_name:: The name of the puppet systemd units.
# type:string
# $service_name:: The name of the puppet agent service.
# type:string
# $agent_restart_command:: The command which gets excuted on puppet service restart
# type:string
# $environment:: Default environment of the Puppet agent
# type:string
# $agent_additional_settings:: A hash of additional agent settings.
# Example: {stringify_facts => true}
# type:hash
# $remove_lock:: Remove the agent lock when running.
# type:boolean
# $client_certname:: The node's certificate name, and the unique
# identifier it uses when requesting catalogs.
# type:string
# $dir_owner:: Owner of the base puppet directory, used when
# puppet::server is false.
# type:string
# $dir_group:: Group of the base puppet directory, used when
# puppet::server is false.
# type:string
# == puppet::server parameters
# $server:: Should a puppet master be installed as well as the client
# type:boolean
# $server_user:: Name of the puppetmaster user.
# type:string
# $server_group:: Name of the puppetmaster group.
# type:string
# $server_dir:: Puppet configuration directory
# type:string
# $server_ip:: Bind ip address of the puppetmaster
# type:string
# $server_port:: Puppet master port
# type:integer
# $server_ca:: Provide puppet CA
# type:boolean
# $server_http:: Should the puppet master listen on HTTP as well as HTTPS.
# Useful for load balancer or reverse proxy scenarios. Note that
# the HTTP puppet master denies access from all clients by default,
# allowed clients must be specified with $server_http_allow.
# type:boolean
# $server_http_port:: Puppet master HTTP port; defaults to 8139.
# type:integer
# $server_http_allow:: Array of allowed clients for the HTTP puppet master. Passed
# to Apache's 'Allow' directive.
# type:array
# $server_reports:: List of report types to include on the puppetmaster
# type:string
# $server_implementation:: Puppet master implementation, either "master" (traditional
# Ruby) or "puppetserver" (JVM-based)
# type:string
# $server_passenger:: If set to true, we will configure apache with
# passenger. If set to false, we will enable the
# default puppetmaster service unless
# service_fallback is set to false. See 'Advanced
# server parameters' for more information.
# Only applicable when server_implementation is "master".
# type:boolean
# $server_external_nodes:: External nodes classifier executable
# type:string
# $server_template:: Which template should be used for master
# configuration
# type:string
# $server_main_template:: Which template should be used for master
# related configuration in the [main] section
# type:string
# $server_git_repo:: Use git repository as a source of modules
# type:boolean
# $server_dynamic_environments:: Use $environment in the modulepath
# Deprecated when $server_directory_environments is true,
# set $server_environments to [] instead.
# type:boolean
# $server_directory_environments:: Enable directory environments, defaulting to true
# with Puppet 3.6.0 or higher
# type:boolean
# $server_environments:: Environments to setup (creates directories).
# Applies only when $server_dynamic_environments
# is false
# type:array
# $server_environments_owner:: The owner of the environments directory
# type:string
# $server_environments_group:: The group owning the environments directory
# type:string
# $server_environments_mode:: Environments directory mode.
# type:string
# $server_envs_dir:: Directory that holds puppet environments
# type:string
# $server_common_modules_path:: Common modules paths (only when
# $server_git_repo_path and $server_dynamic_environments
# are false)
# type:array
# $server_git_repo_path:: Git repository path
# type:string
# $server_git_repo_mode:: Git repository mode
# type:string
# $server_git_repo_group:: Git repository group
# type:string
# $server_git_repo_user:: Git repository user
# type:string
# $server_git_branch_map:: Git branch to puppet env mapping for the
# default post receive hook
# type:hash
# $server_post_hook_content:: Which template to use for git post hook
# type:string
# $server_post_hook_name:: Name of a git hook
# type:string
# $server_storeconfigs_backend:: Do you use storeconfigs? (note: not required)
# false if you don't, "active_record" for 2.X
# style db, "puppetdb" for puppetdb
# type:string
# $server_app_root:: Directory where the application lives
# type:string
# $server_ssl_dir:: SSL directory
# type:string
# $server_package:: Custom package name for puppet master
# type:string
# $server_version:: Custom package version for puppet master
# type:string
# $server_certname:: The name to use when handling certificates.
# type:string
# $server_strict_variables:: if set to true, it will throw parse errors
# when accessing undeclared variables.
# type:boolean
# $server_additional_settings:: A hash of additional settings.
# Example: {trusted_node_data => true, ordering => 'manifest'}
# type:hash
# $server_rack_arguments:: Arguments passed to rack app ARGV in addition to --confdir and
# --vardir. The default is an empty array.
# type:array
# $server_puppetdb_host:: PuppetDB host
# type:string
# $server_puppetdb_port:: PuppetDB port
# type:integer
# $server_puppetdb_swf:: PuppetDB soft_write_failure
# type:boolean
# $server_parser:: Sets the parser to use. Valid options are 'current' or 'future'.
# Defaults to 'current'.
# type:string
# === Advanced server parameters:
# $server_httpd_service:: Apache/httpd service name to notify
# on configuration changes. Defaults
# to 'httpd' based on the default
# apache module included with foreman-installer.
# type:string
# $server_service_fallback:: If passenger is not used, do we want to fallback
# to using the puppetmaster service? Set to false
# if you disabled passenger and you do NOT want to
# use the puppetmaster service. Defaults to true.
# type:boolean
# $server_passenger_min_instances:: The PassengerMinInstances parameter. Sets the
# minimum number of application processes to run.
# Defaults to the number of processors on your
# system.
# type:integer
# $server_passenger_pre_start:: Pre-start the first passenger worker instance
# process during httpd start.
# type:boolean
# $server_passenger_ruby:: The PassengerRuby parameter. Sets the Ruby
# interpreter for serving the puppetmaster
# rack application.
# type:string
# $server_config_version:: How to determine the configuration version. When
# using git_repo, by default a git describe
# approach will be installed.
# type:string
# $server_facts:: Should foreman receive facts from puppet
# type:boolean
# $server_foreman:: Should foreman integration be installed
# type:boolean
# $server_foreman_url:: Foreman URL
# type:string
# $server_foreman_ssl_ca:: SSL CA of the Foreman server
# type:string
# $server_foreman_ssl_cert:: Client certificate for authenticating against Foreman server
# type:string
# $server_foreman_ssl_key:: Key for authenticating against Foreman server
# type:string
# $server_puppet_basedir:: Where is the puppet code base located
# type:string
# $server_enc_api:: What version of enc script to deploy. Valid
# values are 'v2' for latest, and 'v1'
# for Foreman =< 1.2
# type:string
# $server_report_api:: What version of report processor to deploy.
# Valid values are 'v2' for latest, and 'v1'
# for Foreman =< 1.2
# type:string
# $server_request_timeout:: Timeout in node.rb script for fetching
# catalog from Foreman (in seconds).
# type:integer
# $server_environment_timeout:: Timeout for cached compiled catalogs (10s, 5m, ...)
# type:string
# $server_ca_proxy:: The actual server that handles puppet CA.
# Setting this to anything non-empty causes
# the apache vhost to set up a proxy for all
# certificates pointing to the value.
# type:string
# $server_jvm_java_bin:: Set the default java to use.
# type:string
# $server_jvm_config:: Specify the puppetserver jvm configuration file.
# type:string
# $server_jvm_min_heap_size:: Specify the minimum jvm heap space.
# type:string
# $server_jvm_max_heap_size:: Specify the maximum jvm heap space.
# type:string
# $server_jvm_extra_args:: Additional java options to pass through.
# This can be used for Java versions prior to
# Java 8 to specify the max perm space to use:
# For example: '-XX:MaxPermSpace=128m'.
# type:string
# $server_jruby_gem_home:: Where jruby gems are located for puppetserver
# type:string
# $allow_any_crl_auth:: Allow any authentication for the CRL. This
# is needed on the puppet CA to accept clients
# from a the puppet CA proxy.
# type:boolean
# $auth_allowed:: An array of authenticated nodes allowed to
# access all catalog and node endpoints.
# default to ['$1']
# type:array
# $server_default_manifest:: Toggle if default_manifest setting should
# be added to the [main] section
# type:boolean
# $server_default_manifest_path:: A string setting the path to the default_manifest
# type:string
# $server_default_manifest_content:: A string to set the content of the default_manifest
# If set to '' it will not manage the file
# type:string
# $server_ssl_dir_manage:: Toggle if ssl_dir should be added to the [master]
# configuration section. This is necessary to
# disable in case CA is delegated to a separate instance
# type:boolean
# $server_puppetserver_dir:: The path of the puppetserver config dir
# type:string
# $server_puppetserver_version:: The version of puppetserver 2 installed (or being installed)
# Unfortunately, different versions of puppetserver need configuring differently,
# and there's no easy way of determining which version is being installed.
# Defaults to '2.3.1' but can be overriden if you're installing an older version.
# type:string
# $server_max_active_instances:: Max number of active jruby instances. Defaults to
# processor count
# type:integer
# $server_idle_timeout:: How long the server will wait for a response on an existing connection
# type:integer
# $server_connect_timeout:: How long the server will wait for a response to a connection attempt
# type:integer
# $server_ssl_protocols:: Array of SSL protocols to use.
# Defaults to [ 'TLSv1.2' ]
# type:array
# $server_cipher_suites:: List of SSL ciphers to use in negotiation
# Defaults to [ 'TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256', 'TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA',
# type:array
# $server_ruby_load_paths:: List of ruby paths
# Defaults based on $::puppetversion
# type:array
# $server_ca_client_whitelist:: The whitelist of client certificates that
# can query the certificate-status endpoint
# Defaults to [ '', '::1', $::ipaddress ]
# type:array
# $server_admin_api_whitelist:: The whitelist of clients that
# can query the puppet-admin-api endpoint
# Defaults to [ '', '::1', $::ipaddress ]
# type:array
# $server_enable_ruby_profiler:: Should the puppetserver ruby profiler be enabled?
# Defaults to false
# type:boolean
# $server_ca_auth_required:: Whether client certificates are needed to access the puppet-admin api
# Defaults to true
# type:boolean
# $server_use_legacy_auth_conf:: Should the puppetserver use the legacy puppet auth.conf?
# Defaults to false (the puppetserver will use its own conf.d/auth.conf)
# type:boolean
# === Usage:
# * Simple usage:
# include puppet
# * Installing a puppetmaster
# class {'puppet':
# server => true,
# }
# * Advanced usage:
# class {'puppet':
# agent_noop => true,
# version => '2.7.20-1',
# }
class puppet (
$version = $puppet::params::version,
$user = $puppet::params::user,
$group = $puppet::params::group,
$dir = $puppet::params::dir,
$codedir = $puppet::params::codedir,
$vardir = $puppet::params::vardir,
$logdir = $puppet::params::logdir,
$rundir = $puppet::params::rundir,
$ssldir = $puppet::params::ssldir,
$sharedir = $puppet::params::sharedir,
$manage_packages = $puppet::params::manage_packages,
$dir_owner = $puppet::params::dir_owner,
$dir_group = $puppet::params::dir_group,
$package_provider = $puppet::params::package_provider,
$package_source = $puppet::params::package_source,
$port = $puppet::params::port,
$listen = $puppet::params::listen,
$listen_to = $puppet::params::listen_to,
$pluginsync = $puppet::params::pluginsync,
$splay = $puppet::params::splay,
$splaylimit = $puppet::params::splaylimit,
$autosign = $puppet::params::autosign,
$autosign_mode = $puppet::params::autosign_mode,
$runinterval = $puppet::params::runinterval,
$usecacheonfailure = $puppet::params::usecacheonfailure,
$runmode = $puppet::params::runmode,
$unavailable_runmodes = $puppet::params::unavailable_runmodes,
$cron_cmd = $puppet::params::cron_cmd,
$systemd_cmd = $puppet::params::systemd_cmd,
$agent_noop = $puppet::params::agent_noop,
$show_diff = $puppet::params::show_diff,
$module_repository = $puppet::params::module_repository,
$configtimeout = $puppet::params::configtimeout,
$ca_server = $puppet::params::ca_server,
$ca_port = $puppet::params::ca_port,
$prerun_command = $puppet::params::prerun_command,
$postrun_command = $puppet::params::postrun_command,
$dns_alt_names = $puppet::params::dns_alt_names,
$use_srv_records = $puppet::params::use_srv_records,
$srv_domain = $puppet::params::srv_domain,
$pluginsource = $puppet::params::pluginsource,
$pluginfactsource = $puppet::params::pluginfactsource,
$additional_settings = $puppet::params::additional_settings,
$agent_additional_settings = $puppet::params::agent_additional_settings,
$agent_restart_command = $puppet::params::agent_restart_command,
$classfile = $puppet::params::classfile,
$hiera_config = $puppet::params::hiera_config,
$main_template = $puppet::params::main_template,
$agent_template = $puppet::params::agent_template,
$auth_template = $puppet::params::auth_template,
$allow_any_crl_auth = $puppet::params::allow_any_crl_auth,
$auth_allowed = $puppet::params::auth_allowed,
$client_package = $puppet::params::client_package,
$agent = $puppet::params::agent,
$remove_lock = $puppet::params::remove_lock,
$client_certname = $puppet::params::client_certname,
$puppetmaster = $puppet::params::puppetmaster,
$systemd_unit_name = $puppet::params::systemd_unit_name,
$service_name = $puppet::params::service_name,
$syslogfacility = $puppet::params::syslogfacility,
$environment = $puppet::params::environment,
$server = $puppet::params::server,
$server_admin_api_whitelist = $puppet::params::server_admin_api_whitelist,
$server_user = $puppet::params::user,
$server_group = $puppet::params::group,
$server_dir = $puppet::params::dir,
$server_ip = $puppet::params::ip,
$server_port = $puppet::params::port,
$server_ca = $puppet::params::server_ca,
$server_ca_auth_required = $puppet::params::server_ca_auth_required,
$server_ca_client_whitelist = $puppet::params::server_ca_client_whitelist,
$server_http = $puppet::params::server_http,
$server_http_port = $puppet::params::server_http_port,
$server_http_allow = $puppet::params::server_http_allow,
$server_reports = $puppet::params::server_reports,
$server_implementation = $puppet::params::server_implementation,
$server_passenger = $puppet::params::server_passenger,
$server_puppetserver_dir = $puppet::params::server_puppetserver_dir,
$server_puppetserver_version = $puppet::params::server_puppetserver_version,
$server_service_fallback = $puppet::params::server_service_fallback,
$server_passenger_min_instances = $puppet::params::server_passenger_min_instances,
$server_passenger_pre_start = $puppet::params::server_passenger_pre_start,
$server_passenger_ruby = $puppet::params::server_passenger_ruby,
$server_httpd_service = $puppet::params::server_httpd_service,
$server_external_nodes = $puppet::params::server_external_nodes,
$server_template = $puppet::params::server_template,
$server_main_template = $puppet::params::server_main_template,
$server_cipher_suites = $puppet::params::server_cipher_suites,
$server_config_version = $puppet::params::server_config_version,
$server_connect_timeout = $puppet::params::server_connect_timeout,
$server_git_repo = $puppet::params::server_git_repo,
$server_dynamic_environments = $puppet::params::server_dynamic_environments,
$server_directory_environments = $puppet::params::server_directory_environments,
$server_default_manifest = $puppet::params::server_default_manifest,
$server_default_manifest_path = $puppet::params::server_default_manifest_path,
$server_default_manifest_content = $puppet::params::server_default_manifest_content,
$server_enable_ruby_profiler = $puppet::params::server_enable_ruby_profiler,
$server_environments = $puppet::params::server_environments,
$server_environments_owner = $puppet::params::server_environments_owner,
$server_environments_group = $puppet::params::server_environments_group,
$server_environments_mode = $puppet::params::server_environments_mode,
$server_envs_dir = $puppet::params::server_envs_dir,
$server_common_modules_path = $puppet::params::server_common_modules_path,
$server_git_repo_mode = $puppet::params::server_git_repo_mode,
$server_git_repo_path = $puppet::params::server_git_repo_path,
$server_git_repo_group = $puppet::params::server_git_repo_group,
$server_git_repo_user = $puppet::params::server_git_repo_user,
$server_git_branch_map = $puppet::params::server_git_branch_map,
$server_idle_timeout = $puppet::params::server_idle_timeout,
$server_post_hook_content = $puppet::params::server_post_hook_content,
$server_post_hook_name = $puppet::params::server_post_hook_name,
$server_storeconfigs_backend = $puppet::params::server_storeconfigs_backend,
$server_app_root = $puppet::params::server_app_root,
$server_ruby_load_paths = $puppet::params::server_ruby_load_paths,
$server_ssl_dir = $puppet::params::server_ssl_dir,
$server_ssl_dir_manage = $puppet::params::server_ssl_dir_manage,
$server_ssl_protocols = $puppet::params::server_ssl_protocols,
$server_package = $puppet::params::server_package,
$server_version = $puppet::params::server_version,
$server_certname = $puppet::params::server_certname,
$server_enc_api = $puppet::params::server_enc_api,
$server_report_api = $puppet::params::server_report_api,
$server_request_timeout = $puppet::params::server_request_timeout,
$server_ca_proxy = $puppet::params::server_ca_proxy,
$server_strict_variables = $puppet::params::server_strict_variables,
$server_additional_settings = $puppet::params::server_additional_settings,
$server_rack_arguments = $puppet::params::server_rack_arguments,
$server_foreman = $puppet::params::server_foreman,
$server_foreman_url = $puppet::params::server_foreman_url,
$server_foreman_ssl_ca = $puppet::params::server_foreman_ssl_ca,
$server_foreman_ssl_cert = $puppet::params::server_foreman_ssl_cert,
$server_foreman_ssl_key = $puppet::params::server_foreman_ssl_key,
$server_facts = $puppet::params::server_facts,
$server_puppet_basedir = $puppet::params::server_puppet_basedir,
$server_puppetdb_host = $puppet::params::server_puppetdb_host,
$server_puppetdb_port = $puppet::params::server_puppetdb_port,
$server_puppetdb_swf = $puppet::params::server_puppetdb_swf,
$server_parser = $puppet::params::server_parser,
$server_environment_timeout = $puppet::params::server_environment_timeout,
$server_jvm_java_bin = $puppet::params::server_jvm_java_bin,
$server_jvm_config = $puppet::params::server_jvm_config,
$server_jvm_min_heap_size = $puppet::params::server_jvm_min_heap_size,
$server_jvm_max_heap_size = $puppet::params::server_jvm_max_heap_size,
$server_jvm_extra_args = $puppet::params::server_jvm_extra_args,
$server_jruby_gem_home = $puppet::params::server_jruby_gem_home,
$server_max_active_instances = $puppet::params::server_max_active_instances,
$server_use_legacy_auth_conf = $puppet::params::server_use_legacy_auth_conf,
) inherits puppet::params {



if $ca_server {





if $manage_packages != true and $manage_packages != false {
validate_re($manage_packages, '^(server|agent)$')

include ::puppet::config
Class['puppet::config'] -> Class['puppet']

if $agent == true {
include ::puppet::agent
Class['puppet::agent'] -> Class['puppet']

if $server == true {
include ::puppet::server
Class['puppet::server'] -> Class['puppet']