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# This file implements the defaults used by the puppet master.
# The ACLs are evaluated in top-down order. More general
# stanzas should be towards the bottom of the file and more
# specific ones at the top, otherwise the general rules
# take precedence and later rules will not be evaluated.
# Supported syntax:
# Each stanza in auth.conf starts with a path to mach, followed
# by optional modifiers, and finally, a series of allow or deny
# directives.
# Example Stanza
# ---------------------------------
# path /path/to/resource # simple prefix match
# # path ~ regex # alternately, regex match
# [environment envlist]
# [method methodlist]
# [auth[enthicated] {yes|no|on|off|any}]
# allow [host|backreference|*]
# deny [host|backreference|*]
# allow_ip [ip|cidr|ip_wildcard|*]
# deny_ip [ip|cidr|ip_wildcard|*]
# The path match can either be a simple prefix match or a regular
# expression. `path /file` would match both `/file_metadata` and
# `/file_content`. Regex matches allow the use of backreferences
# in the allow/deny directives.
# The regex syntax is the same as for Ruby regex, and captures backreferences
# for use in the `allow` and `deny` lines of that stanza
# Examples:
# path ~ ^/path/to/resource # equivalent to `path /path/to/resource`
# allow *
# path ~ ^/catalog/([^/]+)$ # permit access only for the
# allow $1 # node whose cert matches the path
# environment:: restrict an ACL to a comma-separated list of environments
# method:: restrict an ACL to a comma-separated list of HTTP methods
# auth:: restrict an ACL to an authenticated or unauthenticated request
# the default when unspecified is to restrict the ACL to authenticated requests
# (ie exactly as if auth yes was present).

### Authenticated paths - these apply only when the client
### has a valid certificate and is thus authenticated

# allow nodes to retrieve their own catalog
path ~ ^/catalog/([^/]+)$
method find
allow $1

# allow nodes to retrieve their own node definition
path ~ ^/node/([^/]+)$
method find
allow $1

# allow all nodes to access the certificates services
path /certificate_revocation_list/ca
method find
allow *

# allow all nodes to store their reports
path /report
method save
allow *

# unconditionally allow access to all file services
# which means in practice that fileserver.conf will
# still be used
path /file
allow *

### Unauthenticated ACL, for clients for which the current master doesn't
### have a valid certificate; we allow authenticated users, too, because
### there isn't a great harm in letting that request through.

# allow access to the master CA
path /certificate/ca
auth any
method find
allow *

path /certificate/
auth any
method find
allow *

path /certificate_request
auth any
method find, save
allow *

<% if scope.lookupvar('::puppet::listen') -%>
path /run
auth any
method save
allow <%= if ( @puppetmaster and !@puppetmaster.empty? ) then @puppetmaster else @fqdn end %>

<% end -%>
# this one is not stricly necessary, but it has the merit
# of showing the default policy, which is deny everything else
path /
auth any