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# configuration for the JRuby interpreters
jruby-puppet: {
<%- if scope.function_versioncmp([@puppetversion, '4.0']) >= 0 -%>
# Where the puppet-agent dependency places puppet, facter, etc...
# Puppet server expects to load Puppet from this location
ruby-load-path: [
<%- @server_ruby_load_paths.each do |ruby_load_path| -%>
<%= ruby_load_path %>,
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>

# This setting determines where JRuby will install gems. It is used for loading gems,
# and also by the `puppetserver gem` command line tool.
gem-home: <%= @server_jruby_gem_home %>

<%- if scope.function_versioncmp([@server_puppetserver_version, '2.7']) >= 0 -%>
# This setting defines the complete "GEM_PATH" for jruby. If set, it should include
# the gem-home directory as well as any other directories that gems can be loaded
# from (including the vendored gems directory for gems that ship with puppetserver)
gem-path: [${jruby-puppet.gem-home}, "/opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver/vendored-jruby-gems"]

<%- end -%>
# PLEASE NOTE: Use caution when modifying the below settings. Modifying
# these settings will change the value of the corresponding Puppet settings
# for Puppet Server, but not for the Puppet CLI tools. This likely will not
# be a problem with master-var-dir, master-run-dir, or master-log-dir unless
# some critical setting in puppet.conf is interpolating the value of one
# of the corresponding settings, but it is important that any changes made to
# master-conf-dir and master-code-dir are also made to the corresponding Puppet
# settings when running the Puppet CLI tools. See
# for more information.

# (optional) path to puppet conf dir; if not specified, will use
# the puppet default
master-conf-dir: <%= @server_dir %>

<%- if scope.function_versioncmp([@server_puppetserver_version, '2.1']) >= 0 -%>
# (optional) path to puppet code dir; if not specified, will use
# the puppet default
master-code-dir: <%= @codedir %>

<%- end -%>
# (optional) path to puppet var dir; if not specified, will use
# the puppet default
master-var-dir: <%= @server_puppetserver_vardir %>

<%- if scope.function_versioncmp([@server_puppetserver_version, '2.1']) >= 0 -%>
# (optional) path to puppet run dir; if not specified, will use
# the puppet default
master-run-dir: <%= @server_puppetserver_rundir %>

# (optional) path to puppet log dir; if not specified, will use
# the puppet default
master-log-dir: <%= @server_puppetserver_logdir %>

<%- end -%>
# (optional) maximum number of JRuby instances to allow
max-active-instances: <%= @server_max_active_instances %>

# (optional) the number of HTTP requests a given JRuby instance will handle in its lifetime.
max-requests-per-instance: <%= @server_max_requests_per_instance %>
<%- if scope.function_versioncmp([@server_puppetserver_version, '2.2']) >= 0 -%>

# (optional) Authorize access to Puppet master endpoints via rules specified
# in the legacy Puppet auth.conf file (if true or not specified) or via rules
# specified in the Puppet Server HOCON-formatted auth.conf (if false).
use-legacy-auth-conf: <%= @server_use_legacy_auth_conf %>
<%- end -%>
<%- if scope.function_versioncmp([@server_puppetserver_version, '2.3']) >= 0 -%>

# (optional) enable or disable environment class cache
environment-class-cache-enabled: <%= @server_environment_class_cache_enabled %>
<%- end -%>

# settings related to HTTP client requests made by Puppet Server
http-client: {
# A list of acceptable protocols for making HTTP requests
ssl-protocols: [
<%- @server_ssl_protocols.each do |protocol| -%>
<%= protocol %>,
<%- end -%>

# A list of acceptable cipher suites for making HTTP requests
cipher-suites: [
<%- @server_cipher_suites.each do |cipher| -%>
<%= cipher %>,
<%- end -%>

# The amount of time, in milliseconds, that an outbound HTTP connection
# will wait for data to be available before closing the socket. If not
# defined, defaults to 20 minutes. If 0, the timeout is infinite and if
# negative, the value is undefined by the application and governed by the
# system default behavior.
idle-timeout-milliseconds: <%= @server_idle_timeout %>

# The amount of time, in milliseconds, that an outbound HTTP connection will
# wait to connect before giving up. Defaults to 2 minutes if not set. If 0,
# the timeout is infinite and if negative, the value is undefined in the
# application and governed by the system default behavior.
connect-timeout-milliseconds: <%= @server_connect_timeout %>

# settings related to profiling the puppet Ruby code
profiler: {
# enable or disable profiling for the Ruby code; defaults to 'false'.
enabled: <%= @server_enable_ruby_profiler %>
<%- if scope.function_versioncmp([@server_puppetserver_version, '2.2']) < 0 -%>

# Settings related to the puppet-admin HTTP API
puppet-admin: {
client-whitelist: [
<%- @server_admin_api_whitelist.each do |certname| -%>
"<%= certname %>",
<%- end -%>
<%- end -%>