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| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
39bda209 Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
# Set up the puppet server config
96cab9ae Ohad Levy
class puppet::server::config inherits puppet::config {
3c158112 Greg Sutcliffe
if $puppet::server_passenger {
8f07c6dc Dominic Cleal
# Anchor the passenger config inside this
class { 'puppet::server::passenger': } -> Class['puppet::server::config']

# Mirror the relationship, as defined() is parse-order dependent
39bda209 Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
# Ensures puppetmasters certs are generated before the proxy is needed
8f07c6dc Dominic Cleal
if defined(Class['foreman_proxy::config']) and $foreman_proxy::ssl {
Class['puppet::server::config'] -> Class['foreman_proxy::config']

# Open read permissions to private keys to puppet group for foreman, proxy etc.
3c158112 Greg Sutcliffe
file { "${puppet::server_ssl_dir}/private_keys":
group => $puppet::server_group,
39bda209 Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
mode => '0750',
8f07c6dc Dominic Cleal

3c158112 Greg Sutcliffe
file { "${puppet::server_ssl_dir}/private_keys/${::fqdn}.pem":
group => $puppet::server_group,
39bda209 Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
mode => '0640',
8f07c6dc Dominic Cleal
96cab9ae Ohad Levy
f345890c Erik Dalén
# Include foreman components for the puppetmaster
# ENC script, reporting script etc.
1e7e607d Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
class {'foreman::puppetmaster':
827cddee Greg Sutcliffe
foreman_url => $puppet::server_foreman_url,
facts => $puppet::server_facts,
puppet_home => $puppet::server_puppet_home,
puppet_basedir => $puppet::server_puppet_basedir,
enc_api => $puppet::server_enc_api,
report_api => $puppet::server_report_api,
b547ad7e Dominic Cleal
ssl_ca => $puppet::server_foreman_ssl_ca,
ssl_cert => $puppet::server_foreman_ssl_cert,
ssl_key => $puppet::server_foreman_ssl_key,
1e7e607d Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden
f345890c Erik Dalén
310e8878 Marek Hulan
$ca_server = $::puppet::ca_server
$server_storeconfigs_backend = $::puppet::server_storeconfigs_backend
$server_external_nodes = $::puppet::server_external_nodes

if $server_external_nodes {
$server_node_terminus = 'exec'
} else {
$server_node_terminus = 'plain'

df2e0bff Mickaël Canévet
concat_fragment { 'puppet.conf+30-master':
content => template($puppet::server_template),
15e686fb Jan Vansteenkiste
96cab9ae Ohad Levy
70b2f8b0 Jan Vansteenkiste
## If the ssl dir is not the default dir, it needs to be created before running
# the generate ca cert or it will fail.
exec {'puppet_server_config-create_ssl_dir':
3c158112 Greg Sutcliffe
creates => $::puppet::server_ssl_dir,
command => "/bin/mkdir -p ${::puppet::server_ssl_dir}",
70b2f8b0 Jan Vansteenkiste
before => Exec['puppet_server_config-generate_ca_cert'],

exec {'puppet_server_config-generate_ca_cert':
23449a65 Jan Vansteenkiste
creates => $::puppet::server::ssl_cert,
5615e256 Jan Vansteenkiste
command => "${puppet::params::puppetca_path}/${puppet::params::puppetca_bin} --generate ${::fqdn}",
3c158112 Greg Sutcliffe
require => File["${puppet::server_dir}/puppet.conf"],
notify => Service[$puppet::server_httpd_service],
5615e256 Jan Vansteenkiste

3c158112 Greg Sutcliffe
file { "${puppet::server_vardir}/reports":
f36d4510 Greg Sutcliffe
ensure => directory,
3c158112 Greg Sutcliffe
owner => $puppet::server_user,
f36d4510 Greg Sutcliffe

de8444ee Ivan Necas
# location where our puppet environments are located
file { $puppet::server_envs_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $puppet::server_environments_owner,
076d79da Ohad Levy
de8444ee Ivan Necas
if $puppet::server_git_repo {
09661d61 Ohad Levy
2a851d8c Greg Sutcliffe
# need to chown the $vardir before puppet does it, or else
# we can't write puppet.git/ on the first run

076d79da Ohad Levy
include git

git::repo { 'puppet_repo':
bare => true,
3c158112 Greg Sutcliffe
target => $puppet::server_git_repo_path,
user => $puppet::server_user,
require => File[$puppet::server_envs_dir],
076d79da Ohad Levy

cbe2b829 Guido Günther
$git_branch_map = $puppet::server_git_branch_map
076d79da Ohad Levy
# git post hook to auto generate an environment per branch
3c158112 Greg Sutcliffe
file { "${puppet::server_git_repo_path}/hooks/${puppet::server_post_hook_name}":
content => template($puppet::server_post_hook_content),
owner => $puppet::server_user,
af4efdd2 Greg Sutcliffe
mode => '0755',
076d79da Ohad Levy
require => Git::Repo['puppet_repo'],

de8444ee Ivan Necas
elsif ! $puppet::server_dynamic_environments {
file { ['/usr/share/puppet', $puppet::server_common_modules_path]:
09661d61 Ohad Levy
ensure => directory,

6a34f1bc sgzijl
# make sure your site.pp exists (puppet #15106, foreman #1708)
3c158112 Greg Sutcliffe
file { "${puppet::server_manifest_path}/site.pp":
6a34f1bc sgzijl
ensure => present,
91a59f77 sgzijl
replace => false,
content => "# Empty site.pp required (puppet #15106, foreman #1708)\n",
d2f1d3d0 Dominic Cleal
mode => '0644',
6a34f1bc sgzijl

09661d61 Ohad Levy
# setup empty directories for our environments
3c158112 Greg Sutcliffe
puppet::server::env {$puppet::server_environments: }
09661d61 Ohad Levy
96cab9ae Ohad Levy