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# Define: qpid::bind_event
# This define binds the event queue with the correct messages
# === Parameters
# $queue:: Name of the event queue
# $hostname:: Set to localhost for qpid-config operations
# $port:: Port that qpid is listening on
# $ssl_cert:: SSL cert to use for qpid-config commands
define qpid::bind_event(
$hostname = 'localhost',
$port = 5671,
$ssl_cert = undef
if($ssl_cert) {
$ssl_option = "--ssl-certificate ${ssl_cert}"
$protocol = 'amqps'
} else {
$ssl_option = undef
$protocol = 'amqp'
exec { "bind queue to exchange and filter messages that deal with ${title}":
command => "qpid-config ${ssl_option} -b ${protocol}://${hostname}:${port} bind event ${queue} ${title}",
onlyif => "qpid-config ${ssl_option} -b ${protocol}://${hostname}:${port} exchanges event -r | grep ${title}",
path => '/usr/bin',
require => Service['qpidd'],
logoutput => true,