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# == Class: qpid
# Install and configure Qpid
# === Parameters:
# $log_level:: Logging level
# $acl_file:: File name for Qpid ACL
# $acl_content:: Content for Access Control List file
# === SSL parameters
# $auth:: Use SASL authentication
# $ssl:: Use SSL with Qpid
# $ssl_port:: SSL port to use
# $ssl_cert_db:: The SSL cert database to use
# $ssl_cert_password_file:: The SSL cert password file
# $ssl_cert_name:: The SSL cert name
# $ssl_require_client_auth:: Require client SSL authentication
# $session_unacked:: buffer if the broker has a large number of sessions and the memory overhead is a problem
# === Advanced parameters
# $max_connections:: Maximum number of connections to allow
# $wcache_page_size:: The size (in KB) of the pages in the write page cache
# $open_file_limit:: Limit number of open files - systemd distros only
# $log_to_syslog:: Log to syslog or not
# $interface:: Interface to listen on
# $server_store:: Install a Qpid message store
# $version:: Package version to be installed
# $config_file:: Location of qpid configuration file
# $server_store_package:: Package name for the Qpid message store
# $user_groups:: Additional user groups to add the qpidd user to
# $server_packages:: List of server packages to install
# $mgmt_pub_interval:: Controls the interval at which the broker sends
# updated information (stats, etc.) to the management console.
# $default_queue_limit:: Default maximum size for queues (in bytes)
# $custom_settings:: Custom settings. Each entry will end up in the config file.
# The settings with can't be set this way and will cause the
# server to refuse to start up.
# $service_ensure:: Specify if qpidd service should be running or stopped
# $service_enable:: Enable qpidd service at boot
# $ensure:: Specify to explicitly enable Qpid installs or absent to remove all packages and configs
# $data_dir:: Location on disk that qpid broker data is stored
class qpid (
String $version = $qpid::params::version,
Boolean $auth = $qpid::params::auth,
String $config_file = $qpid::params::config_file,
Optional[String] $acl_content = $qpid::params::acl_content,
String $acl_file = $qpid::params::acl_file,
String $log_level = $qpid::params::log_level,
Boolean $log_to_syslog = $qpid::params::log_to_syslog,
Optional[String] $interface = $qpid::params::interface,
Boolean $server_store = $qpid::params::server_store,
String $server_store_package = $qpid::params::server_store_package,
Boolean $ssl = $qpid::params::ssl,
Integer[0, 65535] $ssl_port = $qpid::params::ssl_port,
Optional[Integer[0]] $session_unacked = $qpid::params::session_unacked,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ssl_cert_db = $qpid::params::ssl_cert_db,
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $ssl_cert_password_file = $qpid::params::ssl_cert_password_file,
Optional[String] $ssl_cert_name = $qpid::params::ssl_cert_name,
Optional[Boolean] $ssl_require_client_auth = $qpid::params::ssl_require_client_auth,
Array[String] $user_groups = $qpid::params::user_groups,
Array[String] $server_packages = $qpid::params::server_packages,
Optional[Integer[1]] $max_connections = $qpid::params::max_connections,
Optional[Integer[1]] $wcache_page_size = $qpid::params::wcache_page_size,
Optional[Integer[1]] $open_file_limit = $qpid::params::open_file_limit,
Optional[Integer[1]] $mgmt_pub_interval = $qpid::params::mgmt_pub_interval,
Optional[Integer[1]] $default_queue_limit = $qpid::params::default_queue_limit,
Hash[String, Variant[String, Integer]] $custom_settings = $qpid::params::custom_settings,
Boolean $service_ensure = true,
Optional[Boolean] $service_enable = undef,
Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = 'present',
Stdlib::AbsolutePath $data_dir = '/var/lib/qpidd',
) inherits qpid::params {
if $ssl {
assert_type(Boolean, $ssl_require_client_auth)
assert_type(String, $ssl_cert_name)
assert_type(Stdlib::Absolutepath, $ssl_cert_db)
assert_type(Stdlib::Absolutepath, $ssl_cert_password_file)

include qpid::install
include qpid::config
contain qpid::service

Class['qpid::install'] ~> Class['qpid::config'] ~> Class['qpid::service']