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Description: Remove rpath from compilation flags
This patch is required to pass the binary-or-shlib-defines-rpath lintian
test. To fix this problem, any attempt to add rpath to $LDFLAGS
inside of ext/mysql2/extconf.rb is patched out
Author: Michael Franzl <>
Last-Update: 2013-11-26

--- a/ext/mysql2/extconf.rb
+++ b/ext/mysql2/extconf.rb
@@ -98,33 +98,4 @@
$CFLAGS << gcc_flags
-case explicit_rpath = with_config('mysql-rpath')
-when true
- abort "-----\nOption --with-mysql-rpath must have an argument\n-----"
-when false
- warn "-----\nOption --with-mysql-rpath has been disabled at your request\n-----"
-when String
- # The user gave us a value so use it
- rpath_flags = " -Wl,-rpath,#{explicit_rpath}"
- warn "-----\nSetting mysql rpath to #{explicit_rpath}\n-----"
- $LDFLAGS << rpath_flags
- if libdir = rpath_dir[%r{(-L)?(/[^ ]+)}, 2]
- rpath_flags = " -Wl,-rpath,#{libdir}"
- if RbConfig::CONFIG["RPATHFLAG"].to_s.empty? && try_link('int main() {return 0;}', rpath_flags)
- # Usually Ruby sets RPATHFLAG the right way for each system, but not on OS X.
- warn "-----\nSetting rpath to #{libdir}\n-----"
- $LDFLAGS << rpath_flags
- else
- if RbConfig::CONFIG["RPATHFLAG"].to_s.empty?
- # If we got here because try_link failed, warn the user
- warn "-----\nDon't know how to set rpath on your system, if MySQL libraries are not in path mysql2 may not load\n-----"
- end
- # Make sure that LIBPATH gets set if we didn't explicitly set the rpath.
- warn "-----\nSetting libpath to #{libdir}\n-----"
- $LIBPATH << libdir unless $LIBPATH.include?(libdir)
- end
- end