



From 03/08/2017 to 04/06/2017


05:46 PM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
Jason Nance wrote:
> However, this does not trigger the rotation:
I meant to say "the re-open". I understand tha...
Jason Nance
05:43 PM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
Okay, the correct URL is:
However, this does not trigger the rotation:...
Jason Nance
10:14 AM Revision 0be36c30: Bump version to 1.16-develop
Dominic Cleal


12:51 PM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
re: 404's -- check smart-proxy configuration (in /etc/foreman-proxy/settings.yml), it will have ip address(es) and po... Anonymous
12:06 PM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
Dmitri Dolguikh wrote:
> > Outside of the /version URL (which 404s for me, BTW), what else should trigger this
Jason Nance
11:31 AM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
> Outside of the /version URL (which 404s for me, BTW), what else should trigger this
/version should always be ac...
11:18 AM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
Yes, I saw. My Smart Proxy is fairly actively used and as you can see from the output that file has been opened sinc... Jason Nance
10:51 AM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
> Sending the SIGUSR1 isn't working for me
Did you read the explanation of how smart-proxy handles log rotation? D...
10:47 AM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
I'm not running @logrotate@ manually, I was just running the postscript (sending the @SIGUSR1@) manually to take @log... Jason Nance
07:20 AM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
Log rotation works as expected on my machine (fedora 25, logrotate 3.10.0).
Smart-proxy re-opens its log file on ...


04:07 PM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
I don't see any helpful logs. Here's what I can find:... Jason Nance


03:48 PM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
Could you check the system log to see if there any logrotate-related errors in it? Out of curiosity, is /var/lib file... Anonymous
02:14 PM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
Regarding the Squid LogRotate, this seems to be specific to the way Foreman is deploying it as I have non-Foreman Squ... Jason Nance
02:09 PM Bug #19053: Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
The squid logrotate file appears to come from the squid rpm, so you may want to file a bug against centos/RHEL for th... Justin Sherrill


12:01 PM Bug #19053 (Closed): Proxy continues to write to deleted file after log rotation
After @logrotate@ runs both @foreman-proxy@ and @squid@ continue to write to the rotated log, which is a deleted file... Jason Nance


12:01 PM Bug #19005: AVCs as Foreman fails to transition to passenger_t on Fedora 24
I don't think any further logs are required, the information in the last was enough to triage it for me. Dominic Cleal
11:55 AM Bug #19005: AVCs as Foreman fails to transition to passenger_t on Fedora 24
Dominic Cleal wrote:
> The logs indicate that Foreman's running in the domain httpd_t rather than passenger_t, so th...
Jonathan Mulcahy
11:48 AM Bug #19005 (New): AVCs as Foreman fails to transition to passenger_t on Fedora 24
The logs indicate that Foreman's running in the domain httpd_t rather than passenger_t, so the foreman-selinux policy... Dominic Cleal
11:36 AM Bug #19005: AVCs as Foreman fails to transition to passenger_t on Fedora 24
Dominic Cleal wrote:
> @Message from application: Permission denied rb_sysopen - /usr/share/foreman/tmp/cache/websoc...
Jonathan Mulcahy
11:06 AM Bug #19005 (Need more information): AVCs as Foreman fails to transition to passenger_t on Fedora 24
@Message from application: Permission denied rb_sysopen - /usr/share/foreman/tmp/cache/websockets_ssl_key20170323-182... Dominic Cleal
10:47 AM Bug #19005 (Rejected): AVCs as Foreman fails to transition to passenger_t on Fedora 24
This is my first time installing TheForeman, and I'm trying to install it on a brand new Fedora 24 Server VM. I've fo... Jonathan Mulcahy


11:22 AM Bug #9805 (Assigned): Puppet master generates lots of invalid context messages
We have been able to track the issue down with help of SELinux team. It's a long story, I will provide patch soon. Fo... Lukas Zapletal


05:02 AM Refactor #18852 (Rejected): Make use of official Passenger 5 SELinux policy
It looks like passenger upstream is doing own policy now:
Lukas Zapletal

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