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Revision a9332b68

Added by Nick L. about 7 years ago

Fixes #2595 - Add more Rubyipmi methods to BMC API

Replaces: theforeman/smart-proxy#505
Replaces: 051b285aaa9b595ea9513ff5fa197eb830b942c1

This commit implements the same features as
051b285aaa9b595ea9513ff5fa197eb830b942c1, with some differences:

- Added unit tests for all new features
- Added interfaces to `modules/bmc/base.rb`
- Cleared up some ambiguous method names
- Changed some unit test stubs to expects
- Fixed bugs in the original implementation

New API methods:

- GET /bmc/:host/fru
Shows available actions: "list", "serial", "manufacturer", "model",
and "asset_tag"
- GET /bmc/:host/bmc
Shows available actions: "info", "guid", and "version"
- GET /bmc/:host/sensors
Shows available actions: "list", "count", "names", "fanlist",
"templist", and "get"
- GET /bmc/:host/lan/snmp
Shows BMC host's SNMP community string
- GET /bmc/:host/lan/vlanid
Shows BMC host's VLAN ID
- GET /bmc/:host/lan/ipsrc
Shows whether BMC host's LAN was configured "static" or "dhcp"
- GET /bmc/:host/lan/print
Shows BMC hosts's LAN configuration
- PUT /bmc/:host/chassis/power/reset
Performs power reset on chassis
- GET /bmc/:host/fru/list
Shows all of host's FRU information. Includes workaround for
undocumented IBM/Lenovo IPMI bug.
- GET /bmc/:host/fru/serial
Shows host's serial number
- GET /bmc/:host/fru/manufacturer
Shows host's manufacturer
- GET /bmc/:host/fru/model
Shows host's product model
- GET /bmc/:host/fru/asset_tag
Shows host's asset tag string, if Rubyipmi has this method. It's in
the spec, but doesn't seem to be implemented today. See
- GET /bmc/:host/bmc/info
Shows information about the BMC
- GET /bmc/:host/bmc/guid
Shows system's GUID
- GET /bmc/:host/version
Shows BMC's version
- PUT /bmc/:host/bmc/reset?type=warm
Performs warm reset on BMC
- PUT /bmc/:host/bmc/reset?type=cold
Performs cold reset on BMC
- GET /bmc/:host/sensors/list
Shows all of host's sensors
- GET /bmc/:host/sensors/count
Shows number of sensors on host
- GET /bmc/:host/sensors/names
Shows list of sensor names on host
- GET /bmc/:host/sensors/fanlist
Shows all of host's fan sensors
- GET /bmc/:host/sensors/templist
Shows all of host's temperature sensors
- GET /bmc/:host/sensors/get
Shows available option "sensor" for this action
- GET /bmc/:host/sensors/get/:sensor
Shows information about sensor :sensor on host
  • added
  • modified
  • copied
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  • deleted