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a4f75050 Ohad Levy
# SSL Setup

# if enabled, all communication would be verfied via SSL
# NOTE that both certificates need to be signed by the same CA in order for this to work
# see for more information
2b403a61 Ohad Levy
#:ssl_certificate: ssl/certs/fqdn.pem
#:ssl_ca_file: ssl/certs/ca.pem
#:ssl_private_key: ssl/private_keys/fqdn.key
a4f75050 Ohad Levy
# the hosts which the proxy accepts connections from
# commenting the following lines would mean every verified SSL connection allowed
2b403a61 Ohad Levy
4c2e7d8b Romain Vrignaud
a4f75050 Ohad Levy
3ee29b07 Ohad Levy
# enable the daemon to run in the background
:daemon: true
41ae3f71 Lukas Zapletal
:daemon_pid: /var/run/foreman-proxy/
3ee29b07 Ohad Levy
a4f75050 Ohad Levy
# port used by the proxy
:port: 8443

6cd78804 Ohad Levy
# Enable TFTP management
2b403a61 Ohad Levy
:tftp: false
24806ab8 Dominic Cleal
:tftproot: /var/lib/tftpboot
b2aa8c03 Ohad Levy
# Defines the TFTP Servername to use, overrides the name in the subnet declaration
b3c7e27f Ohad Levy
6cd78804 Ohad Levy
# Enable DNS management
2b403a61 Ohad Levy
:dns: false
7e72434b Dominic Cleal
# valid providers:
# nsupdate
# nsupdate_gss (for GSS-TSIG support)
:dns_provider: nsupdate
2b403a61 Ohad Levy
#:dns_key: /etc/rndc.key
# use this setting if you are managing a dns server which is not localhost though this proxy
1242cab2 Povilas Daukintis
# use this setting if you want to override default TTL setting (86400)
#:dns_ttl: 86400
7e72434b Dominic Cleal
# use dns_tsig_* for GSS-TSIG updates using Kerberos. Required for Windows MS DNS with
# Secure Dynamic Updates, or BIND as used in FreeIPA. Set dns_provider to nsupdate_gss.
#:dns_tsig_keytab: /usr/share/foreman-proxy/dns.keytab
#:dns_tsig_principal: DNS/
b3c7e27f Ohad Levy
6cd78804 Ohad Levy
# Enable DHCP management
2b403a61 Ohad Levy
:dhcp: false
6cd78804 Ohad Levy
# The vendor can be either isc or native_ms
:dhcp_vendor: isc
700e96b5 Paul kelly
# dhcp_subnets is a Native MS implementation setting. It restricts the subnets queried to a
# subset, so as to reduce the query time.
#:dhcp_subnets: [,]
6cd78804 Ohad Levy
# Settings for Ubuntu ISC
#:dhcp_config: /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf
#:dhcp_leases: /var/lib/dhcp3/dhcpd.leases
# Settings for Redhat ISC
ed062812 Florian Koch
# Redhat 5
2b403a61 Ohad Levy
#:dhcp_config: /etc/dhcpd.conf
ed062812 Florian Koch
# Redhat 6
#:dhcp_config: /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
2b403a61 Ohad Levy
#:dhcp_leases: /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd.leases
bf8dfda6 Ohad Levy
#:dhcp_key_name: secret_key_name
#:dhcp_key_secret: secret_key
eb305390 Ohad Levy
b3c7e27f Ohad Levy
# enable PuppetCA management
2b403a61 Ohad Levy
:puppetca: false
dd633419 Greg Sutcliffe
#:ssldir: /var/lib/puppet/ssl
#:puppetdir: /etc/puppet
b3c7e27f Ohad Levy
# enable Puppet management
2b403a61 Ohad Levy
:puppet: false
80f8a61f Sam Kottler
# valid providers:
# puppetrun (for puppetrun/kick, deprecated in Puppet 3)
# mcollective (uses mco puppet)
13ed4712 Hannes Schaller
# puppetssh (run puppet over ssh)
4a8e35aa Francois Deppierraz
# salt (uses salt
e478c9e7 Glen Ogilvie
# customrun (calls a custom command with args)
80f8a61f Sam Kottler
:puppet_provider: puppetrun
e478c9e7 Glen Ogilvie
# customrun command details
# Set :customrun_cmd to the full path of the script you want to run, instead of /bin/false
:customrun_cmd: /bin/false
# Set :customrun_args to any args you want to pass to your custom script. The hostname of the
# system to run against will be appended after the custom commands.
:customrun_args: -ay -f -s

5da8bfa9 Ohad Levy
:puppet_conf: /etc/puppet/puppet.conf
13ed4712 Hannes Schaller
# whether to use sudo before the ssh command
:puppetssh_sudo: false
# the command which will be sent to the host
:puppetssh_command: /usr/bin/puppet agent --onetime --no-usecacheonfailure
# With which user should the proxy connect
#:puppetssh_user: root
#:puppetssh_keyfile: /etc/foreman-proxy/id_rsa
b3c7e27f Ohad Levy
81a34451 Greg Petras
# Which user to invoke sudo as to run puppet commands
#:puppet_user: root

4c2e7d8b Romain Vrignaud
# enable Chef management
:chefproxy: false
# :chef_authenticate_nodes: true
# :chef_server_url: ""
# smart-proxy client node needs to have some admin right on chef-server
# in order to retrive all nodes public keys
# :chef_smartproxy_clientname: ''
# :chef_smartproxy_privatekey: '/etc/chef/client.pem'

94cca053 Corey Osman
# enable BMC management (Bare metal power and bios controls)
3a19312e Greg Sutcliffe
# Available providers:
# - freeipmi / ipmitool - requires the appropriate package installed, and the rubyipmi gem
# - shell - for local reboot control (requires sudo access to /sbin/shutdown for the proxy user)
94cca053 Corey Osman
:bmc: false
#:bmc_default_provider: freeipmi

b3c7e27f Ohad Levy
# Where our proxy log files are stored
# filename or STDOUT
ed062812 Florian Koch
:log_file: /var/log/foreman-proxy/proxy.log
a4f75050 Ohad Levy
# valid options are
ed062812 Florian Koch
:log_level: ERROR