



Team Atlas untriaged bugs

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# Tracker Status Priority Subject Author Assignee Updated Category Target version
  Compute resources - GCE 13 Collapse all/Expand all
28418 Bug New Normal Subnetwork support in Google Cloud compute resource ? Adam Cécile 12/11/2019 02:57 PM Compute resources - GCE Actions
29050 Feature New Normal GCE should provide option to include shielded/unnshielded-images Kavita Gaikwad Kavita Gaikwad 02/18/2020 01:22 PM Compute resources - GCE Actions
29182 Feature New Normal Extend use of image families filter without overriding the method from any plugin Kavita Gaikwad Kavita Gaikwad 02/26/2020 12:18 PM Compute resources - GCE Actions
30067 Bug New Normal If there is no VPC networks in the google project, Satellite throws error 'undefined method `map' for nil:NilClass' Kavita Gaikwad 06/09/2020 08:17 AM Compute resources - GCE Actions
31025 Bug New Normal `google_client email` option is no longer required while connecting to GCE Kavita Gaikwad 10/08/2020 06:58 AM Compute resources - GCE Actions
34935 Feature New Normal GCE Ubuntu Images TJ Guthrie 05/18/2022 11:23 PM Compute resources - GCE Actions
  Compute resources - libvirt 34 Collapse all/Expand all
1640 Bug New Normal Oops when viewing a Libvirt VM where the Libvirt host has no "default" storage volume Andreas Ntaflos 11/02/2015 10:22 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
1641 Feature New Normal Option to enable or disable autostart of provisioned VMs Andreas Ntaflos 06/11/2016 02:58 PM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
1784 Bug New Normal virtual machine host creation failure when storage vol already exists Frederic Schaer 09/26/2014 07:24 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
4016 Bug New Normal Allow pre-provisioned storage with libvirt (multipath volumes) Robert Birnie 04/05/2016 09:57 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
4126 Bug New Normal libvirt network selection doesn't work when editing compute profiles Dominic Cleal 09/26/2014 07:06 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
4438 Feature New Normal Boot order of libvirt machines Svein-Erik Lund 05/18/2017 07:16 PM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
4624 Bug New Normal when using a libvirt based compute profile via the api, the instance will not be auto start Ohad Levy 05/18/2017 07:25 PM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
6405 Bug New Normal Failure to reconnect on libvirtd restart   Zordrak 01/17/2019 01:14 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
6793 Bug New Normal New Host libvirt storage size buttons and behavior need review Dominic Cleal 07/30/2014 06:11 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
7018 Bug New Normal SPICE libvirt websockets connections aren't encrypted Dominic Cleal 07/10/2018 10:23 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
8264 Feature New Normal Way to limit which interfaces on a CR are selectable when creating a VM Anonymous 11/05/2014 02:33 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
8535 Bug New Low Libvirt over SSH instability Andy Taylor 02/13/2015 05:24 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
10220 Bug New High Virtual machines disks not correct after moving from one kvm to another Stefan Berggren 06/12/2016 04:30 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
10262 Bug New Normal Libvirt TLS connections aren't closed Andy Taylor 04/24/2015 06:50 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
10626 Bug New High Openning a novnc console of a libvirt VM returns with error: "Failed to set console : call to VirDomainUpdateDeviceFlags failed : Internal error : unable to execute QEMU command 'set_password' : Could not set password" Dirk Mayer 05/27/2015 09:39 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
10983 Feature New Normal Implement configurable cache options for libvirt qemu volumes Joakim Klang 02/24/2017 06:06 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
12567 Bug New Normal Libvirt VM details not showing correct architecture Hans Scheffers 12/30/2016 09:48 AM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
13576 Feature New Normal Support for Seperate "console IP and port settings" in resulting libvirt host .XML files that are created J LP 08/11/2016 03:36 PM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
13767 Bug New Normal RAW image format is selected by default for image-based provisioning, instead of QCOW Ivan Necas 11/26/2016 01:44 PM Compute resources - libvirt Actions
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