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# @summary Manage a pool of Dynflow Sidekiq instances
# @param service_name
# The name of the service instance. Will get prefixed with dynflow-sidekiq@
# and suffixed with the worker number.
# @param instances
# Defines number of instances used for job processing. Set to 0 to clean up old
# instances with the service name.
# @param concurrency
# Defines number of threads used for job processing
# @param queues
# The Queues this worker should process
# @param config_owner
# The user who owns the config file
# @param config_group
# The group that owns the config file
define foreman::dynflow::pool (
String $service_name = $name,
Integer[0] $instances = $foreman::dynflow_worker_instances,
Integer[1] $concurrency = $foreman::dynflow_worker_concurrency,
Array[String[1], 1] $queues = [],
Optional[String[1]] $config_owner = undef,
Optional[String[1]] $config_group = undef,
) {
if $instances >= 1 {
Integer[1, $instances].each |$n| {
foreman::dynflow::worker { "${service_name}-${n}":
ensure => present,
concurrency => $concurrency,
queues => $queues,
config_owner => $config_owner,
config_group => $config_group,

# Always clean up the "base" version which may be present from a migration
foreman::dynflow::worker { $service_name:
ensure => absent,

$existing_services = fact('foreman_dynflow')
if $existing_services {
$existing_services.each |$instance| {
if $instance =~ Pattern["^${service_name}-[0-9]+$"] and !defined(Foreman::Dynflow::Worker[$instance]) {
foreman::dynflow::worker { $instance:
ensure => absent,