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# Configure the DHCP component
class foreman_proxy::proxydhcp {
# puppet fact names are converted from ethX.X and ethX:X to ethX_X
# so for alias and vlan interfaces we have to modify the name accordingly
$interface_fact_name = regsubst($foreman_proxy::dhcp_interface, '[.:]', '_')
$ip = inline_template("<%= scope.lookupvar('::ipaddress_${interface_fact_name}') %>")
if ! is_ip_address($ip) {
fail("Could not get the ip address from fact ipaddress_${interface_fact_name}")

$net = inline_template("<%= scope.lookupvar('::network_${interface_fact_name}') %>")
if ! is_ip_address($net) {
fail("Could not get the network address from fact network_${interface_fact_name}")

$mask = inline_template("<%= scope.lookupvar('::netmask_${interface_fact_name}') %>")
if ! is_ip_address($mask) {
fail("Could not get the network mask from fact netmask_${interface_fact_name}")

if $foreman_proxy::dhcp_nameservers == 'default' {
$nameservers = [$ip]
} else {
$nameservers = split($foreman_proxy::dhcp_nameservers,',')

class { '::dhcp':
dnsdomain => $foreman_proxy::dhcp_option_domain,
nameservers => $nameservers,
interfaces => [$foreman_proxy::dhcp_interface],
pxeserver => $ip,
pxefilename => 'pxelinux.0',
omapi_name => $foreman_proxy::dhcp_key_name,
omapi_key => $foreman_proxy::dhcp_key_secret,

::dhcp::pool{ $::domain:
network => $net,
mask => $mask,
range => $foreman_proxy::dhcp_range,
gateway => $foreman_proxy::dhcp_gateway,