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# @summary Katello qpid Config
# @param interface
# The interface to listen on
# @param wcache_page_size
# The size (in KB) of the pages in the write page cache
class katello::qpid (
String $interface = 'lo',
Integer[0, 5000] $wcache_page_size = 4,
) {
include certs
include certs::qpid
include katello::params

class { 'qpid':
ssl => true,
ssl_cert_db => $certs::qpid::nss_db_dir,
ssl_cert_password_file => $certs::qpid::nss_db_password_file,
ssl_cert_name => $certs::qpid::nss_cert_name,
acl_content => file('katello/qpid_acls.acl'),
interface => $interface,
wcache_page_size => $wcache_page_size,
subscribe => Class['certs', 'certs::qpid'],

contain qpid

qpid::config::queue { $katello::params::candlepin_event_queue:
ssl_cert => $certs::qpid::client_cert,
ssl_key => $certs::qpid::client_key,
hostname => $katello::params::qpid_hostname,

qpid::config::bind { ['entitlement.created', 'entitlement.deleted', 'pool.created', 'pool.deleted', 'compliance.created', 'system_purpose_compliance.created']:
queue => $katello::params::candlepin_event_queue,
exchange => $katello::params::candlepin_qpid_exchange,
ssl_cert => $certs::qpid::client_cert,
ssl_key => $certs::qpid::client_key,
hostname => $katello::params::qpid_hostname,
} ->
# This anchor indicates the event queue is all set up.
anchor { 'katello::qpid::event_queue': } # lint:ignore:anchor_resource