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# @summary Manage the Katello repository
# @param repo_version
# The repository version to use. Either latest or a version like 3.14.
# @param dist
# The distribution to use
# @param gpgcheck
# Whether GPG signatures need to be checked
# @param gpgkey
# The location of the GPG key
class katello::repo (
String $repo_version = latest,
String $dist = "el${facts['os']['release']['major']}",
Boolean $gpgcheck = false,
String $gpgkey = 'absent',
) {
yumrepo { 'katello':
descr => "katello ${repo_version}",
baseurl => "${repo_version}/katello/${dist}/\$basearch/",
gpgkey => $gpgkey,
gpgcheck => $gpgcheck,
enabled => true,
-> anchor { 'katello::repo': } # lint:ignore:anchor_resource