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# == Class: pulp::crane
# Install and configure Crane
# === Parameters:
# $debug:: Enable debug logging
# $key:: Path to the SSL key for https
# $cert:: Path to the SSL certificate for https
# $ca_cert:: Path to the SSL CA cert for https
# $port:: Port for Crane to run on
# $data_dir:: Directory containing docker v1/v2 artifacts published by pulp
# $data_dir_polling_interval:: The number of seconds between checks for updates to metadata files in the data_dir
# $ssl_protocol:: SSLProtocol configuration to use
class pulp::crane (
Boolean $debug = $::pulp::crane::params::debug,
Integer[0, 65535] $port = $::pulp::crane::params::port,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $data_dir = $::pulp::crane::params::data_dir,
Integer[0] $data_dir_polling_interval = $::pulp::crane::params::data_dir_polling_interval,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $key = $::pulp::crane::params::key,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $cert = $::pulp::crane::params::cert,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $ca_cert = $::pulp::crane::params::ca_cert,
Optional[String] $ssl_protocol = $::pulp::crane::params::ssl_protocol,
) inherits pulp::crane::params {
class { '::pulp::crane::install': } ~>
class { '::pulp::crane::config': } ~>
class { '::pulp::crane::apache': } ->