Foreman Blog

New search design proposal - asking for feedback

Recent Visual refreshment initiative - an ongoing effort to upgrade Foreman to better UX with PF4 react - drives a redesign of multiple commonly used components of Foreman such as navigation, buttons, modals. One of its goals for the upcoming release is to introduce a new consistent user-friendly search.

Foreman Community Newsletter (July 2021)

Foreman 3.0, the Puppet extraction, managing Python content with generic classes, and much more!

The Foreman Community Survey 2021 is now live!

Who doesn’t love surveys?

Foreman Community Newsletter (May/June 2021)

We had our fun, now it’s survey time ;-) in the Foreman community

While Foreman is free and open source, and the Foreman community does everything it can to support users, sometimes users cannot get to where they want to be without professional help. Foreman is a complex tool. To get started, you require a certain level of Linux sysadmin knowledge. On our Professional Services page, we keep a list of known vendors and consultants who work with Foreman. In this post, we hear from Kris Buytaert of, the organizer of ConfigMgmtCamp, one of the biggest events in the Foreman social calendar each (normal) year, and their history with the Foreman community.

Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.