Every few weeks we host a Community Demo to showcase new & interesting developments from the Foreman community. We encourage participation from any member of the community (although you do need a Google account), so if you’ve been working on something cool, please do come show it off. If you’d like to watch the community demo, they’re usually on a Thursday and we always list them in advance on our Community Events Calendar.
Here is a list of every demo that has taken place this year. Our demos are divided into two sections: a user-focused section splits into Foreman and Foreman with Katello installed, and a developer-focused section.
If you’ve any questions or feedback, we welcome any feedback in our community
You can find older demos here:
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Foreman 3.11.2 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.
Foreman 3.10.1 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.