


| Branch: | Tag: | Revision:
Name Size
schema.rb.nulldb 141 Bytes
seeds.rb 613 Bytes

Latest revisions

# Date Author Comment
dd5091f4 03/11/2024 03:16 PM Adam Ruzicka

Refs #37224 - Force all Hosts to have a comment

The previous implementation of the update had two issues:
1) It only operated on ::Host::Managed
2) It silently failed if the host was invalid for any other reason

Fixes 4c7f36edf

4c7f36ed 03/06/2024 01:15 PM Adam Ruzicka

Fixes #37224 - Force Hosts to have a comment

To prevent the nil > empty string transition we would either have to:
check the incoming changes and discard the unwanted ones
- ignore these transitions when creating audits
- just force hosts to always have a comment...

a9b9b7d9 03/05/2024 06:25 PM Samir Jha

Fixes #37167 - Subscription entitlement report template

2198394b 01/03/2024 12:26 PM Oleh Fedorenko

Refs #36849 - Fix Ruby 3 kwargs handling

1c1d5e25 10/24/2023 06:59 PM Ian Ballou Fixes #36826 - Add Host - Installed Products report
  • Add system purpose role and usage to subscriptions entitlement report
a406cf2b 10/09/2023 09:42 AM Matěj Mudra

fixes #36160 - Redefine append domain names setting

This PR aims to unify the format of host names stored in the database and the way they are displayed.
With this change, the name of the host is always going to be stored with the domain name appended.
The setting formerly named `append_domain_name_for_hosts` is now renamed to `display_fqdn_for_hosts`...

4e205ba1 10/04/2023 07:06 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #36723 - Remove Fedora/Red Hat Atomic related code

As far as I can see this has been EOL for a few years now. Red Hat
Atomic went EOL in 2021.

d430f3fb 09/28/2023 10:19 AM Evgeni Golov

Fixes #36759 - only call allowed transpilers

CVE-2022-3874: OS command injection via ct_command and fcct_command

Instead of allowing to call any command by changing a setting, only
allow specific paths to ct/fcct. If the user needs a different path,
they can set it via settings.yaml.

48173f49 08/29/2023 01:56 PM Nofar Alfassi

Fixes #36663 - Add permission to modify LookupValue resource

This is necessary when using gql to allow non-admin users
to modify lookup-key values.

31b23dd7 08/10/2023 11:35 AM Ewoud Kohl van Wijngaarden

Fixes #36659 - Drop CentOS 8 mirror

The CentOS 8 mirror is for CentOS Linux 8, but that's EOL and removed
from the mirrors.

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