Foreman Blog

Foreman Ansible Modules v1.3.0 released

Since the release of Foreman Ansible Modules v1.0.0, we’ve been pretty busy and managed to release v1.1.0, v1.2.0 and today v1.3.0!

Foreman Community Newsletter (August 2020)

New Infrastructure SIG group, provisioning deep-dive mini survey, roadmap updates, community demos, and much more.

Foreman Community Newsletter (July 2020)

Celebrating Foreman’s 11th Birthday online, updates to Katello’s release schedule, community demos, and containerizing Foreman.

Foreman Community Newsletter (June 2020)

Foreman 2.1.0 released! Katello 3.15.2 released! Foreman Ansible Modules 1.0.0 released! Update from Red Hat Product Management, and much more!

Terminology Updates in Foreman

Over a week ago, @lzap published an RFC about removing the term blacklist from Foreman templates. A short discussion about this took place on the related Pull Request. With a wider discussion taking place in the tech, open source, and academic worlds (please see Further Information at the bottom of this post for some links), the community management team wants to take a moment to outline our thoughts on this in the context of the Foreman community. While normally RFCs and PRs go through a longer process, we think it is important to address this specific RFC and outline some action items.

Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.