Foreman Blog

Creating an auto healing Foreman Proxy

Auto healing infrastructure allows scalability, predictability and automated recovery. This is the story of how we created an auto healing Foreman Smart Proxy with Packer, Terraform & Ansible on AWS.

Foreman Community Newsletter - August 2017

Foreman 1.16, Katello 3.4.5, plugin maintainer policy, and a bunch of new videos. Enjoy!

Foreman Community Newsletter - July 2017

Happy birthday to us, happy birthday to us...

Adding new subnet for provisioning

Foreman’s Puppet-based installer is currently only capable of configuring one provisioning subnet. The rest needs to be added manually, which is fortunately super easy. This blog post walks through the whole process.

Remembering Gail Steiger

Last Friday, Gail Steiger, a foreman developer passed away, after a long fight with cancer.

Gail started working on foreman about a year ago - doing something that was not easy at all, I’ve asked her to build up the next generation of UI technologies that would allow foreman (and its plugins) to grow, she had a major part in introducing technologies such as webpack, react, flux and then redux, jest etc. She initiated many visible UI changes such as Statistics charts, notification drawer, toast notifications etc.

Sadly she did not have the opportunity to continue her work, yet we are committed to keep walking in the path she started.

It’s hard talking about you in past tense, I already miss you Gail – may you rest in peace.



Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.