Foreman Blog

Foreman Community Newsletter - September 2016

Foreman 1.13 highlights, Katello 3.1 and 3.2-RC1, EL6 deprecated for 1.14 and all the usual plugin and media roundup

Provisioning IBM POWER systems with Foreman 1.13

Foreman 1.13 (currently as Release Candidate 2) supports Grub2 natively in core and smart-proxy. Although the main motivation was UEFI support, Grub2 as the standard platform for many architectures allows more integration via Foreman now.

Foreman Community Newsletter - August 2016

Foreman 1.12.2 security fix, Discovery 6.0 released, Webpack support merged, tons of plugin updates... it's been a busy month!

Foreman Community Newsletter - July 2016

Our 7th birthday! Also, Foreman 1.12 released, 1.11.4, Katello 3.1 in RC, Red Hat Summit roundup, plugin releases, ... a busy month!

Foreman's 7th Birthday Events

Foreman will turn 7 years old in July, and we're organising a series of parties in various places! All the vanues and details after the jump...

Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.