Foreman Blog

Foreman Community Newsletter - June 2016

Foreman 1.12 RC2 (with Puppet 4 support!), 1.11.3, Katello 3.0, more plugins, Red Hat Summit, birthday celebrations... so much to catch up on!

Working around the Foreman 1.11.2 DHCP bugs

The latest 1.11.2 maintenance release introduced a unfortunate combination of regressions regarding DHCP. Here's how to work around them.

Foreman Community Newsletter - May 2016

No core releases this month, but there's still plenty going on in the Foreman Community! New plugins, updated plugins, new videos to watch, release candidates to try, and more. STOP PRESS - 1.11.2 released today!

New Foreman Training Course!

Foreman now has a training course! The awesome folks over at NETWAYS decided to release their Foreman material as an open project for the community to use and contribute to. Read on for details!

Foreman Community Newsletter - April 2016

Foreman 1.11 and 1.10.3 released. Read on for details of new plugin releases and new recordings to watch!

Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.