Foreman Blog

Foreman CLI is now a gem

Brian Gupta did a great job with coming up with a CLI for foreman, and just released it as a gem.

fosdem 2012

I’ve finally wrapped up all my bookings, and I’ll be attending both fosdem days and the following the #monitoringsucks hackfest.

Creating a new host using foreman API

Using foreman API is fairly simple, in here I’ll show an example using curl.

Using this simple script, you could automate your VM/Bare metal provision process + Puppet configuration in one simple step.

Getting foreman search results into your Puppet manifest

Lets say you want to know all of the hosts your monitoring host need to monitor, or maybe, the hosts to which your database needs to allow access to, traditionally, the solution to this problem was using Puppet storeconfigs.

In this blog post, I mentioned how you could utilize foreman search language to get customized results.

Advance Search tips in Foreman

Foreman uses the wonderful scoped_search gem written by Willem van Bergen and Amos Benari, and while the search auto completer is pretty good, there are cases where it’s worth knowing about some of the extra features.

Foreman Search functionality can be used both in the web interface, and via the API, in a follow up blog I’ll describe how to use the API and search via puppet directly as an alternative to storeconfigs - UPDATED: here

This blog entry has been updated and incorporated into our regular documentation. Please read on from the Foreman manual’s search chapter.

Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.