Foreman Blog

Foreman demonstration and breakdown at NYC puppet usergroup

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of visiting NYC puppet user group. Here is a video of the recorded talk, many thanks to Brian Gupta for making it all happen! slides can be found at

VNC support built in foreman

Now that oVirt integration is done, it was important to have a way to see the host display:

oVirt Installation - part 1

In this post, we’ll see how to install oVirt. for those of you who ask oVirt?! well, taken from its website:

THE VIRTUAL DATACENTER MANAGEMENT PLATFORM Provision, manage, and monitor hosts, hypervisors, virtual machines, storage, and network

So really, oVirt is a management eco system for virtual machines, fairly similar to v-sphere, but open source and runs on the very popular KVM hypervisor, oVirt is the open source version, of the redhat’s RHEV-M.

Re-provision a host without PXEboot

So, yet another feature not many people know about Foreman.

it is really easy to reprovision (reinstall, or even to a whole new os) an existing system without PXE.

Recovering Lost DHCP reservations

Someone asked me today on IRC how to recover his dhcp reservations, as he was using foreman to create those, and his dhcp server died.

Since we are slow on delivering  #944, here is a short snippet that would get the job done.

Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.