
The “Foreman installer” is a collection of Puppet modules that installs different components needed to get a full working Foreman setup. These include the smart proxy, Passenger (for the Puppet master and Foreman itself), and an optional TFTP server.


The Foreman installer uses Puppet to install Foreman. This guide assumes that you’ve already installed Puppet itself, but the installer will setup Foreman and the Puppet master with Passenger, the smart proxy, git, xinetd (on EL/Fedora systems), and a TFTP server.

Downloading the installer

Download the modules:

export MODULE_PATH="/etc/puppet/modules/common" 
mkdir -p $MODULE_PATH
for mod in apache foreman foreman_proxy git passenger puppet tftp xinetd; do
  mkdir -p $MODULE_PATH/$mod
  wget$mod/tarball/master -O - | tar xzvf - -C $MODULE_PATH/$mod --strip-components=1

To install Foreman and proxy:

echo include foreman, foreman_proxy | puppet apply --modulepath /etc/puppet/modules/common

Additional reading…

Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.