Foreman Blog

Enjoy new the parameters UI and features in Foreman 1.11 - now available!

Foreman 1.11 is now out, with a slick new parameters UI on the host edit page, new pages showing detailed information about smart proxies and a range of smaller new features and plenty of bug fixes.

Foreman Community Newsletter - March 2016

Foreman 1.10.2 and 1.11 RC2 released. Read on for details of new plugin releases and new recordings to watch!

2016 Foreman Survey Analysis

Over the course of February, we again ran the Foreman Community Survey to get feedback on how we’re doing and what needs to be addressed. I’ve now had some time to sit down and look through the data, and share some insights with you all.

Firstly - thank you to all those who filled out the survey. It was a little bit longer this year, as we looked to get data on how we can grow the contributor community as well as the user community, so thanks for taking the time. It’s great to hear all your feedback.

Addressing CVEs with Foreman and Katello - DROWN, GHOST

Published CVEs represent an attack vector for your infrastructure. Recently, CVE-2015-0235 revealed a security bug in GLIBC, a key dependency for many packages in Linux (including Foreman!), and CVE-2016-0800 revealed another serious vulnerability on openssl. Learn how to easily patch your hosts with Foreman and Katello.

EC2 provisioning using Foreman - update

Back in 2012 Ohad Levy wrote an excellent blog post on this subject. The concepts and steps to perform he explains are still mainly correct and relevant but the UI has changed enough to justify a new post. A lot of time has passed since then and many Foreman versions, with many improvements and changes, have passed. It is time for an updated HOWTO on this subject. This post will mainly be a shameless copy-paste of his post with updated names, details and screenshots to accommodate the differences between version 0.5 and 1.10.

Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.