Foreman Blog

Presenting the new Foreman Blog!

Some while ago, I realized that the entire Foreman website was written in Markdown and stored in GitHub, where any contributor can help to improve it - but not the blog! An area almost entirely composed of text; an area where guest posts would be hugely valuable; an area where fixes to old popular posts would be fantasic; all written on Blogger, where we can’t easily get contribution from the community. Sigh.

Well, no longer! Today we’re unveiling the new Foreman Blog!

Foreman Community Newsletter - October 2015

Foreman 1.9.2 was released at the end of September, Katello 2.3.1 is out, new plugins, events, and a new community manager. So much is happening this month!

Foreman Community Newsletter - September 2015

Foreman 1.9 released, another update to the 1.8 series, Katello 2.3, and the usual round up of plugins and other news.

Foreman Community Newsletter - August 2015

Foreman is six years old this month! Also, 1.9 RCs, Katello RCs, plugin updates and a bunch of events coming your way.

Foreman Community Newsletter - June 2015

Foreman 1.8.2 bugfix release, 1.9 RC1 is ready for testing, changes in community-templates, new videos, and more!

Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.