Foreman Blog

Foreman Community Newsletter (February 2021)

Read about Foreman at FOSDEM, getting started with Foreman blog series, the latest release of Foreman Ansible Modules, and more!

Introduction to the Remote Execution Plugin

In this post, we’ll see how to add a remote execution plugin to the Foreman installation and look at its basic functionality. We’ll create some jobs that we execute through SSH on one or more Foreman hosts. Then we’ll look at some real-world use cases of useful SSH jobs automation. We’ll show how to deploy the Puppet agent on the Foreman host and illustrate the use with home automation, running commands on SSH enabled routers.

Foreman Community Newsletter (January 2021)

Foreman @ FOSDEM, What community deep dive do you want to see next? A look at some of the more interesting RFCs of the last month, and more.

Updating Foreman inventory with system facts

This is a continuation of How to start with Foreman post. Today we’ll look at how the inventory can be kept up to date by receiving facts from hosts regularly. Then we’ll take a look where facts can be used. We’ll illustrate the configuration on one config management system, but the same concept is applicable to other facts sources. Links to the related documentation are provided.

How to start with Foreman

This post targets primarily users new to Foreman. It can be interesting for those, who would like to start using Foreman but feel lost or who just installed Foreman and would like to investigate its capabilities. We’ll assume a fresh Foreman installation without any plugin and with the default configuration. The primary focus will be on filling in the data about the infrastructure. If you’re searching for installation instructions, please take a look at Installing Foreman chapter of the Foreman manual. This post assumes installation using the foreman-installer.

Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.