Foreman Blog

Foreman Ansible Modules v1.5.0 released

You thought the 1.4.0 release was great? Then I bet you’ll really enjoy Foreman Ansible Modules v1.5.0 that was just released!

Foreman Community Newsletter (November 2020)

Thanks to everyone who asked and answered questions, opened issues, and made the Foreman Community a hive of activity over the last month. Here is a summary of some of the major events, contributions, and requests for feedback over the last month.

Foreman Community Newsletter (October 2020)

Thanks to everyone who asked and answered questions, opened issues, and made the Foreman Community a hive of activity over the last month. Here is a summary of some of the major events, contributions, and requests for feedback over the last month. Special thanks to @gryan, @evgeni, @maximilian, @dirk, and @thulium-drake for their contributions and blogs this month!

Foreman Ansible Modules v1.4.0 released

Okay, you know the drill, we have released Foreman Ansible Modules v1.4.0 and here is the best-of from that release!

ATIX in the Foreman Community

As outlined in Adding a vendor list to site, over the next few weeks, we will host some guest posts from different companies and consultants who offer professional services based on or extending Foreman for their customers. In this post, we hear from @maximilian from ATIX and how they’ve interacted with the Foreman community to date. If you want to contribute to this series, please contact @mcorr.

Foreman 3.11.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.

Foreman 3.10.0 has been released! Follow the quick start to install it.